Annotated Bibliography/Resources
Annotated teacher bibliography
Bloom, Harold, ed., Arthur Miller, Chelsea House, 1987
This collection of critical essays includes work about many of Miller's plays.
Broudin, Jean Christophe, 2003, online at This site offers questions and discussion about why Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible.
Cohn, Roy, McCarthy, New American Library, 1968
This first person account by McCarthy's loyal supporter and notorious prosecutor is biased but worth consulting.
Demos, John, A Little Commonwealth: Family Life in Plymouth Colony, Oxford University Press, 1970, 2000
This book describes family hierarchy, laws and customs, and descriptions of objects found in the home.
Goldstein, Robert J., Political Repression in Modern America, Univ. Of Illinois Press, 2001
A good source of information about the time just prior to World War I and during the war
Gussow, Mel, Conversations with Miller, Applause Theatre and Cinema Books, 2002
A series of conversations that took place in 2001 and 2002 offering insight in the playwright and his work
This offers a brief biography and photo of McCarthy. Accessed 12/7/04
Hytner, Nicholas, dir., The Crucible, 20th Century Fox, 1996 (film)
Newest film version with Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder, pictures from which are used in the McDougell Littell text
Johnson, Claudia Durst, and Johnson, Vernon E., Understanding the Crucible, The Greenwood Press, 1998
A handbook for teachers and students with issues, sources, and historical documents, written to be easily accessible for students.
Lambiek, online at Accessed 7/14/05
Site devoted to cartoons of the late Herbert Block.
McDougell Littell, The Language of Literature: American Literature, Houghton Mifflin, 2002
Eleventh grade core text including prose, poetry, drama, grammar, and writing all rooted in American literature. The entire text of The Crucible along with study questions, writing assignments and photos of the Hytner film. The text comes with accompanying grammar book and workbook.
Matossian, Mary Kilbourne, Poisons of the Past, Yale University Press, 1989
An examination of diseases, fungi, and other illnesses from past centuries, with illustrations and tables
Mills, Michael, 2005, online at
This site is about Elia Kazan and Arthur Miller and what happened when Kazan was called before the HUAC. Accessed 1/10/05
Murdoch, Iris, The Nice and the Good, Penguin Books, 1978
This novel set in England in the 1960s concerns many everyday citizens from politicians to children, all who make up the household and friends of a particular family. Included here for Murdoch's opinions.
Murrow, Edward R., online at
This is a transcript of Edward R. Murrow's television show See it Now from March 9, 1954 entitled"A Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy." Accessed 12/7/04
Reeves, Thomas C., ed., McCarthyism, The Dryden Press, 1973
A dozen essays from supporters and detractors of Senator McCarthy including both Cohn and Rovere
Rehnquist, William, All the Laws but One: Civil Liberties in War Time, Vintage Books, 1998
This offers extensive background material on laws during the Civil War and the events that caused Lincoln to suspend the writ of habeas corpus.
Rovere, Richard H., Senator Joe McCarthy, Harcourt, Brace, World, 1959
This biography of McCarthy written soon after the fact by someone who was present throughout most of McCarthy's tenure is valuable because of the short space of time between the events and when the author reported them—many of which he experienced firsthand.
Schrecker, Ellen, Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America, Little, Brown, 1998
Schrecker's book begins by personalizing the far-reaching effects of the McCarthy Era and expands her childhood experience showing the repercussions of those times.
Thill, Barbara, Publications Adviser/Journalism Teacher, Chicago, online at
This site offers a discussion about the First Amendment and high school students' knowledge of what it means. Accessed on 7/14/05.
Vidal, Gore, Lincoln, Vintage, 2000
Vidal's book gives more insight into Lincoln and his decisions during the Civil War.
Annotated reading list for students
Hytner, Nicholas, dir., The Crucible, 20th Century Fox, 1996 (film)
Newest film version with Daniel Day-Lewis and Winona Ryder, pictures from which are
used in the McDougell Littell text
Johnson, Claudia Durst, and Johnson, Vernon E., Understanding the Crucible, The Greenwood |Press, 1998
A handbook for teachers and students with issues, sources, and historical documents
McDougell Littell, The Language of Literature: American Literature, Houghton Mifflin, 2002
Eleventh grade core text including prose, poetry, drama, grammar, and writing all rooted in American literature.
List of materials for classroom use
- Textbook— McDougell Littell, The Language of Literature: American Literature, Houghton Mifflin, 2002
- Video of The Crucible, 20th Century Fox, 1996, directed by Nicholas Hytner
- Handouts and other teacher-prepared materials from the Appendices