War and Civil Liberties


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives/Strategies
  4. Anticipatory Set
  5. Introductory Material
  6. World War II
  7. The Cold War
  8. Narrative
  9. Classroom Activities
  10. Day One
  11. Annotated Bibliography/Resources
  12. Appendix A
  13. Appendix B
  14. Appendix C
  15. Appendix D
  16. Appendix E
  17. Appendix H
  18. Standards
  19. Notes

Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism

Elouise E. White-Beck

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix D

Comprehension Check items for each of the four acts based on the McDougell Littell textbook

White-Beck NAME ______________________

The Crucible—Act I

Comprehension Check

Think about the accusations in Act I. Write one or two sentences explaining why you think these accusations are believable or not. What can you think of today that is similar to the accusations made by these characters? Is this true throughout history?

Why do you think Tituba and Abigail accused others? Write one or two sentences offering possible reasons. Have you experienced someone accusing someone falsely? Why do people do this? Think about fear and its motivations. How does this fit in considering what we discussed concerning the McCarthy Era?

The Crucible—Act II Comprehension Check

Who is arrested in Act II and on what grounds? Why did people come to believe in witches at this time and in this place?

The Crucible—Act III Comprehension Check

Discuss the testimony offered in court. Is it believable? Which character seems to be parallel to Joe McCarthy? What do you make of John Proctor's confession and arrest? The affair between Abigail and John Proctor was fiction. Why did Arthur Miller invent that, i.e., what dramatic function does it fulfill?

The Crucible—Act IV Comprehension Check

What was the outcome for Abigail and Mercy, Betty, and Giles Corey? How did John Proctor's choices affect his life and marriage afterwards? What about Mrs. Proctor's choices?


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