War and Civil Liberties


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives/Strategies
  4. Anticipatory Set
  5. Introductory Material
  6. World War II
  7. The Cold War
  8. Narrative
  9. Classroom Activities
  10. Day One
  11. Annotated Bibliography/Resources
  12. Appendix A
  13. Appendix B
  14. Appendix C
  15. Appendix D
  16. Appendix E
  17. Appendix H
  18. Standards
  19. Notes

Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism

Elouise E. White-Beck

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix E

Writing assignment: Students' personal reactions to a threat to their own civil liberties

White-Beck NAME ______________________
English 3 PSP

Civil Liberties in the future

Imagine that the government has suspected that terrorists are communicating vital information through the airwaves and recorded music. To curtail this subversive activity, a new law has been passed banning the listening to any broadcast or recorded music. The only music allowed is non-amplified live performances. All electronically recorded music has been confiscated and rewards are out for reported violators. What would you do?

Imagine a court case in which you or someone you love has been accused and you were subpoenaed to testify.

Essay test on The Crucible

English 3 PSP NAME ______________________
The Crucible—Essay Test


Using your copy of the play and any notes you have, respond to the following:

For a possible "A" choose one of the following:

1. How does Reverend Hale's character change as the play progresses? Examine each of his scenes and identify his objective in each, noting what makes him change his objective.
2. Choose 3 of Abigail's tactics and explain how they worked, both dramatically, and as plausible action in the characters' lives.
3. How could the situation in the play be replicated in today's society? Which group in today's society would be likely to be treated as "Witches?" How would the situation play out, i.e., who would win?

For a possible "B" choose one of the following:

4. The Climax of the play hinges on Mary Warren. Through her earlier scenes, show how her character and personality traits make it believable to the reader that Mary will crack.
5. Which is the better choice: to lie about your beliefs (or actions or affiliations) or to die in defense of them? Which choice does Arthur Miller prefer? Cite specifics from the script to support your answer.
6. Examine the relationship between the Proctors. From their first scene together, the climate of their marriage over the past few months is demonstrated. How is this portrayed? How does their relationship change throughout Act 2? Act 3? And finally, how would you describe their relationship at the very end of the play?

For a possible "C" choose one of the following:

7. Describe the plot and actions of the play in 1—3 sentences for each of the four acts.
8. Which character is the protagonist? Offer three examples to support your choice.
9. Reproduce the Well-Made Play Chart with at least 80% of the rising action completed and the other sections 100% complete.


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