Mathematics is a fundamental subject that all must master in order to survive at a basic level in our society. The more levels of mathematics that one master, the better their chances are in pursuing any of several careers with a mathematics background. Algebra is one of the fundamental levels of mathematics, and is considered the "gate-keeper". Algebra is abstract, but it is feared because variables and equations are introduced on this level of mathematics. Some students consider mathematics to be more difficult than any other core subject. Some complain that mathematics, on all levels, is tedious, boring, and difficult. Sadly, some adults help fuel the mathematics fear in our students by believing that it is irrelevant to some extent. Unfortunately, you can also find some adults whose careers involve mathematics that are not able to communicate how they use mathematics on a daily basis. The challenging task that a mathematics teacher must tackle is creating an interesting world of mathematics in the class. This curriculum unit is a difficult unit to devise, because it must interest students into devoting time and effort to the study and practice of algebra through astronomy and space science.
As stated earlier, this curriculum unit is developed for an eighth grade Introduction to Algebra and Algebra I class. The approach of an interdisciplinary unit is to make learning algebra interesting through Astronomy. Students will have the opportunity to gain a broader knowledge base in Astronomy and Space Science by learning Algebra and why algebra is important to know in Astronomy. Hopefully, after learning a little Astronomy and Space Science, students will have opened their eyes to the world of mathematics and science.
This unit is related to Georgia's Quality Core Curriculum standards for eighth grade mathematics, which is Introduction to Algebra and high school Algebra I. Since Georgia has approved new standards for mathematics that will be implemented for eighth grade mathematics in two years, this unit will also address some of the new Georgia Performance Standards for eighth grade mathematics. However, the unit will not be limited to the objectives and standards that will be identified in the lesson plans. The standards that are stated in the lesson plans are standards that students must master, to pass the Georgia Criterion Reference Test (GCRCT), which they will be tested on in the middle of April. In addition, the GCRCT must be mastered by eighth graders in order to be promoted to the next grade level in Reading, Language Arts, and Mathematics.
The mathematics objectives that will be taught in this unit are powers of ten, perfect squares, perfect cubes, writing numbers in exponential form, writing exponential numbers in expansion form, converting a number to scientific notation, converting scientific notation to a number, multiplying and dividing numbers in scientific notation, adding and subtracting with scientific notation, solving equations, substitution, speed, distance, density, units of measurements, converting units, and determining ratios. The science, technology, reading, and writing objectives related to this curriculum unit will also be included in the lesson plans. The science objectives are broad, because they are based on the algebra that is involved. The astronomy topics that will be taught are temperature scales, distances (light years, astronomical unit, and parsecs), velocity, Newton's Laws of Motion, Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion, and the Doppler Effect.