Teacher Resources
Branley, Franklyn M.; The Planets in Our Solar System. Harper Collins Publishers.
Chaisson, Eric; McMillian, Steve. Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe.
Prentice Hall. 2001
Farndon, John. 1000 Facts on Space. Barnes & Noble Books. 2001.
Hesse, Walter H. Astronomy: A Brief Introduction. Addison-Wesley. 1967.
Jones, Brian; The Practical Astronomer. Simon and Schuster. 1990.
Knox, Richard; Foundation of Astronomy. Halsted Press. 1979.
Kutner, Marc Leslie. Astronomy: A Phsyical Perspective. Cambridge University Press.
Larson, Ron; Boswell, Laurie; Kanold, Timothy; Stiff, Lee. Algebra 1. McDougal Littell
Inc. 2001
Murdock, Jerald; Kamischke, Ellen; Kamischke, Eric. Discovering Algebra: An
Investigative Approach. Key Curriculum Press. 2002
O'Connor, Vincent F.; Hynes, Michael C. Mission Mathematics: Linking Aerospace
and NCTM Standards Grades 5-8. The National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, Inc. 1997.
Whipple, Fred; Orbiting the Sun. Harvard University Press. 1981.