Astronomy and Space Sciences


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale and Initiation
  2. Lesson Starter: Les Étoiles / The Stars
  3. Lesson Starter: Les Étoiles brillantes et les étoiles faibles / Bright Stars and Dim Stars
  4. Les 20 étoiles les plus brillantes / The 20 Brightest Stars
  5. Les Constellations (The Constellations)
  6. The Pole Star and Changing Sky-Views
  7. Papier ou 3-D? / Paper or 3-D?
  8. Light Years
  9. Activities
  10. Questioning Techniques
  11. Lesson Plans
  12. Annotated Bibliography
  13. Annotated Web Sources
  14. Appendix A: Vocabulaire
  15. Appendix B – Les 20 étoiles les plus brillantes
  16. Endnotes

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans le ciel étoilé? Basic Astronomy for Middle School French Students

Crecia L. Cipriano

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix A: Vocabulaire

Les Noms

année-lumière f. (light-year, pl. les années-lumière; light travels 6x10 1 2 miles in one year)

astérisme m. (an asterism, a pattern formed by a part of an established constellation, that does not appear on the official list of 88 constellations)

chaleur f. (heat)

ciel m. (sky)

constellation f. (a constellation, or a group of stars that appear to form easily recognizable images in the sky)

constellations circumpolaires fpl. (the constellations surrounding the Pole Star, that are visible all night, all throughout the year)

dimensions fpl. (size, dimensions)

distance f. (distance)

éclat m. (brightness)

éclat apparent (apparent brightness, the modifier apparent helps to differentiate between brightness we can see and the intrinsic brightness of a star)

énergie f. (energy)

est m. (east); à l'est de (to the east of)

étoile f. (star)

étoile de première magnitude (a star of 1 st magnitude or magnitude 1, bright or very bright)

étoile de deuxième magnitude (a star of 2 nd magnitude or magnitude 2, rather bright)

étoile de troisìeme magnitude (a star of 3 rd magnitude, of medium brightness)

étoile de quatrième magnitude (a star of 4 th magnitude, faint)

étoile de cinquième magnitude (a star of 5 th magnitude, very faint)

gaz mpl. (gases)

lumière f. (light)

luminosité f. (luminosity, or rate of energy emitted by a star)

luminosité intrinsèque f. (intrinsic luminosity, the modifier intrinsic helps to differentiate between what is apparent to us and what is an intrinsic characteristic of the star)

magnitude f. (magnitude, a measure of a star's perceived brightness)

nébuleuse f. nebula

nord m. (north); au nord de (to the north of)

nuit f. (night)

ouest m. (west); à l'ouest de (to the west of)

Polaire f. (Pole Star, or North Star, part of the Little Dipper asterism and Little Bear)

queue f. (handle, for the Big and Little Dipper)

saisons fpl. (seasons)

Soleil m. (Sun)

sud m. (south); au sud de (to the south of)

Terre f. (Earth)

Les Adjectifs

beaucoup (a lot) —> un peu (a little)

brilliant-e (bright/brilliant) —> faible (dim/weak)

chaud-e (hot) —> froid-e (cold)

loin (far) —> proche (near)

lumineux, lumineuse-s (luminous)

plus (more) —> moins (less)

Les Verbes

briller (to shine); émettre (to emit); lever les yeux (raise your eyes/look up); percevoir (to percieve); regarder (to watch); se trouver (to be located); voir (to see)


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