The musical traditions of the North American Indian nations are preserved through oral traditions. In other words, the songs and dances have been passed from one generation to the next by anyone that remembers them. All songs and dance combinations are associated with activities such as religious rituals, ceremonial, celebrations, or social rites. The tribal musical traditions of the Native Americans cultures in the United States, after listening, may not seem to have any distinguishable differences. After listening discriminately, the listener is able to detect the distinguishable differences. The differences are featured through forms, textures, instrumental accompaniment, melodic patterns, chants, styles, and rhythm patterns. Although most of the songs and dances are monophonic in texture, most are accompanied by drums, rattles (the Iroquois), bells, or flutes. The musical characteristics of the performances are classified as antiphonal style.
" This style resembles the African slaves call and response" (Kerman and Tomlinson, 2000: 382).