Native America: Understanding the Past through Things


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Unit Rationale
  3. Pedagogical Strategies
  4. Demographic Profile
  5. Unit Objectives
  6. Unit Background
  7. Historical Background
  8. Tribal Social Systems
  9. Functions of Music with Dance in the Indian Culture
  10. Native American Culture Areas
  11. Performance Practices
  12. Survey of Dance Genres
  13. Survey of Music Genres
  14. Northeast Culture Area
  15. Performance Practices
  16. Conclusion
  17. Lesson Plans
  18. Appendix
  19. Power Point Presentation
  20. Field Study Design
  21. Annotated Bibliography
  22. Discography
  23. Music Software Programs
  24. Students Resources

Native American Music and Dance

Enetta Nelson Rose

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Unit Objectives

This unit study will include the following objectives from the Texas Essentials Knowledge and Skills in Social Studies and Music for grade 8 (Texas Education Agency Curriculum Codes). My students will examine geographical locations of the Native American tribes using maps. They will examine the similarities and differences within tribal cultures among the Creek Confederacy, Illinois, and the Iroquois Confederacy. They will investigate the relationships that existed between these tribes with regard to territorial boundaries, cultural regions, and cultural borrowing. Last, my students will examine the historical relationships that existed between the Northeastern and Southeastern, and the tribal performers. My students will analyze the ways in which societal issues impacted creative expression, and they will identify examples of both ceremonial music and dance. They will determine stylistic similarities and differences of tribal songs, instruments, and dance (refer to Project CLEAR objectives in the appendix).

The Project Clarifying Learning to Enhance Achievement Results (Project CLEAR) established by the Houston Independent School District's objectives are listed below and in the appendix. Students will develop a perspective on how music and dance forms from the past and present express and reflect traditions and cultural issues of any society within a given time and place. They will determine stylistic similarities and differences of tribal songs and dance (Musi. Ch. MS 2b. in the HISD objectives and correlation charts in the appendix).


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Unit Survey
