The Science of Global Warming


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background on the Atmosphere - Week 1
  3. Background on Global Warming - Week 2
  4. Exploring the Possible Local Environmental Effects
  5. Affect of Global Warming on Soil - Week 3
  6. Affect of Global Warming on Plants and Trees - Week 4
  7. Affect of Land Cover on Global Warming - Week 5
  8. Affect of Global Warming on Aquatics - Week 6
  9. Sea Level Rise from Global Warming - Week 7
  10. Affects of Global Warming on Animals - Week 8
  11. What We Can Do To Reduce Our Share of Global Warming - Week 9
  12. Example of Learning Cycle Lesson : Canned Cloud (cloud formation)
  13. Impact of Sea Level Rise on Wilmington, DE
  14. Matrix of Inconvenient Truth Selections That Relate to Weekly Topics
  15. Resources

Global Warming: Is Our Local Environment Ready for the Change?

Justin T. Benz

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

What We Can Do To Reduce Our Share of Global Warming - Week 9

Kick off the week by sending home the How Much CO 2 Does Your Family Produce worksheet to have students fill out with their family. Have students read through pages 305-321 of The Inconvenient Truth and then work with their research group to develop a multimedia presentation to inform the public on what they can do to reduce their share of the global warming problem. Students should be given basic guidelines they need to follow in order to develop the presentation in order for you to assess them effectively, remember you get only what you ask for with students, so think big! Require students to include images and text to introduce the viewer to the concept of global warming, the students must also include problems that the planet is facing due to global warming (assesses their understanding of the topics they have learned the prior weeks), students must also include a minimum of five things the average citizen can do to help out with the global warming issue. This is the culminating project of the unit and students should be given the entire class periods of this last week to prepare for the in class presentations on the last day of the unit. This would be a great day to have a supervisor or a community member to visit and see what great things the students are doing in your classroom. Have fun with this unit and encourage your students to walk the walk when it comes to global warming!


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