Teacher Content Resources
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Site
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis
Global Warming In depth great resource to gathers information to teach students a more close examination of the global warming.
Student Resource Binder Articles
Abu-Asab, M.S., Peterson, P.M., Shetler, S.G. & Orli, S.S. (2001).
Earlier plant flowering in spring as a response to global
warming in the Washington, DC, area. Biodiversity and
Conservation, 10, 597-612.
Butler, C.J. (2003). The disproportionate effect of global warming on the arrival dates of short-distance migratory birds in North
America. Ibis, (145), 484-495.
Dale, V.H. (1997, August). The relationship between land-use
change and climate change. Ecological Applications, 7(3),
Dunn, P.O. & Winkler, D.W. (1999, December 22). Climate change has affected the
breeding date of tree swallows throughout North America.
Biological Sciences, 266(1437), 2487-2490.
Gehrels, W.R., Kirby, J.R., Prokoph, A., Newnham, R.M.,
Achterbert, E.P., Evans, H., Black, S., & Scott, D.B. (2005).
Onset of recent rapid sea-level rise in the western Atlantic
Ocean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, 2083-2100.
Jacoby, G.C. & D'Arrigo, R.D. (1997, August). Tree rings,
carbon dioxide, and climatic change. PNAS, 94, 8350-8353.
Jensen, M.N. (2004, August). Climate warming shakes up species. BioScience, 54(8),
Lake, P.S., Palmer, M.A., Biro, P., Cole, J., Covich, A.P., Dahm, C., Gibert, J.,
Goedkoop, W., Martens, K., & Verhoeven, J. (2000, December). Global change
and the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems: Impacts on linkages between
above-sediment and sediment biota. BioScience, 50(12), 1099-1107.
Li, M.H., Krauchi, N., & Gao, S.P. (2006). Global warming: Can existing reserves really
preserve current levels of biological diversity? Journal of Integrative Plant
Biology, 48(3), 255-259.
McCarty, J.P. (2001, April). Ecological consequences of recent climate change.
Conservation Biology, 15(2), 320-331.
Pounds, J.A., Bustamante, M.R., Coloma, L.A., Consuegra, J.A., Fogden, M.P.L., Foster,
P.N., LaMarca, E., Masters, K.L., Merino-Viteri, A., Puschendorf, R., Ron, S.R.,
Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Still, C.J., & Young, B.E. (2006, January 12).
Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global
warming. Nature, 439, 161-167.
Rustad, L.E., Huntington, T.G., & Boone, R.D. (2000). Controls
on soil respiration: Implications for climate change.
Biogeochemistry, 48, 1-6.
Saxe, H., Cannell, M.G.R., Johnsen, O., Ryan, M.G., & Vourlitis,
G. (2001, March). Tree and forest functioning in response to
global warming. New Phytologist, 149(3), 369-399.
Schlesinger, W.H., & Andrews, J.A. (2000). Soil respiration and
the global carbon cycle. Biogeochemistry, 48, 7-20.
Schwartz, M.D., Ahas, R., & Aasa, A. (2006). Onset of spring starting earlier across the
Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology, 12, 343-351.
Stachowicz, J.J., Terwin, J.R., Whitlatch, R.B., & Osman, R.W.
(2002, November 26). Linking climate change and
biological invasions: Ocean warming facilitates
nonindigenous species invasions. PNAS, 99(24), 15497-
Vinnikov, K.Y., & Grody, N.C. (2003, October 10). Global
warming trend of mean tropospheric temperature observed by
satellites. Science, 302, 269-272.
Vorosmarty, C.J, Green, P., Salisbury, J., & Lammers, R.B. (2000,
July 14). Global water resources: Vulnerability from climate
change and population growth. Science, 289(5477), 284-288.
Vorosmarty, C.J. & Sahagian, D. (2000, September).
Anthropogenic disturbance of the terrestrial water cycle.
BioScience, 50(9), 753-765.
Zhang,K, Douglas,B.C., & Leatherman, S.P. (2004). Global
warming and coastal erosion. Climatic Change, 64, 41-58.
Teaching Resources
Background on the Atmosphere - Week 1
Constructing three dimensional models of greenhouse gases to illustrate their heat trapping abilities
BBC Article — Ozone benefits from treaty
Wikipedia article on atmospheric circulation
Lab to explore albedo using colored paper.
Background on Global Warming - Week 2
Trends in Atmospheric CO2 that students can observe
Observe graph of monthly mean atmospheric carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
Actual data monthly mean atmospheric carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
Global mean temperature data from 1880-2005
Plot of global mean temperature data
Fuel economy measurements for cars
Affect of Global Warming on Soils - Week 3
Portal to all of the 2300 soil surveys nationwide where you can find your county survey
How to use a soil survey if you need some pointers
GLOBE soil characterization protocol
GLOBE website visualization home page to make graphs of environmental data
Use to make a soil moisture map of the world for this section of unit
Affect of Global Warming on Plants and Trees - Week 4
Links to the different websites you will be able to have your students view aerial photographs of your local area.
GLOBE biometry protocol to determine the vegetation types in an area
Affect of Land Cover on Global Warming - Week 5
Free! Landsat images from each state
GLOBE project manual interpretation of Landsat imagery
MUC table to help determine the local land cover types
Activity that students use GLOBE data to analyze land cover
Affect of Global Warming on Aquatics - Week 6
Source of topographic maps to use with students
GLOBE water temperature protocol
GLOBE water pH protocol
Real time observations of conditions along the coastal areas of the US
Ocean surface temperature animation
Sea Level Rise from Global Warming - Week 7
Map to visualize the arctic region
Animations of many US with the onset of sea level rise
Affect of Global Warming on Animals - Week 8
Range maps of common songbirds
Information and data collection of nesting box trails
Backyard bird count data from the National Audubon Society
National Geographic article on the effect of global warming on the