The Science of Global Warming


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background on the Atmosphere - Week 1
  3. Background on Global Warming - Week 2
  4. Exploring the Possible Local Environmental Effects
  5. Affect of Global Warming on Soil - Week 3
  6. Affect of Global Warming on Plants and Trees - Week 4
  7. Affect of Land Cover on Global Warming - Week 5
  8. Affect of Global Warming on Aquatics - Week 6
  9. Sea Level Rise from Global Warming - Week 7
  10. Affects of Global Warming on Animals - Week 8
  11. What We Can Do To Reduce Our Share of Global Warming - Week 9
  12. Example of Learning Cycle Lesson : Canned Cloud (cloud formation)
  13. Impact of Sea Level Rise on Wilmington, DE
  14. Matrix of Inconvenient Truth Selections That Relate to Weekly Topics
  15. Resources

Global Warming: Is Our Local Environment Ready for the Change?

Justin T. Benz

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Sea Level Rise from Global Warming - Week 7

To explore how the greenhouse effect may affect and relate to the topic of sea level rise, I would engage my class in the following activities. Students will be introduced to the arctic region and the size of the ice mass of Greenland, using a map available on-line. [26] Guided by a simple student sheet, students will make their own estimation of the sea level rise if the Greenland ice sheet were to melt. In order to visualize the local effects of sea level rise, students will be given a topographic map of Wilmington, Delaware. Students will determine the areas that would be lost due to flooding using the contour lines to determine the extent of the high water line for various scenarios. The area of the inundated land will then be calculated. This lesson is included in the lesson section of the unit. Students will view an animation of how a one meter rise in sea level would change the local landscape of Wilmington, Delaware. [27] Students will also look at pages 198-209 of The Inconvenient Truth and develop an appreciation for the possible impacts of sea level rise on the world at large. Students will use the internet to access information in order to determine an estimate of the amount of people who might be displaced by the sea level rise in Florida, focusing only on the populations of the major cites of Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Naples, and West Palm Beach if the scenario on page 199 from The Inconvenient Truth were to become a reality.


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