The Science of Global Warming


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background on the Atmosphere - Week 1
  3. Background on Global Warming - Week 2
  4. Exploring the Possible Local Environmental Effects
  5. Affect of Global Warming on Soil - Week 3
  6. Affect of Global Warming on Plants and Trees - Week 4
  7. Affect of Land Cover on Global Warming - Week 5
  8. Affect of Global Warming on Aquatics - Week 6
  9. Sea Level Rise from Global Warming - Week 7
  10. Affects of Global Warming on Animals - Week 8
  11. What We Can Do To Reduce Our Share of Global Warming - Week 9
  12. Example of Learning Cycle Lesson : Canned Cloud (cloud formation)
  13. Impact of Sea Level Rise on Wilmington, DE
  14. Matrix of Inconvenient Truth Selections That Relate to Weekly Topics
  15. Resources

Global Warming: Is Our Local Environment Ready for the Change?

Justin T. Benz

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Affect of Land Cover on Global Warming - Week 5

To explore how the greenhouse effect may affect and relate to the topic of land cover, I would engage my class in the following activities. Students will analyze Landsat satellite imagery available on-line. [17] Students will visually interpret a Landsat image of Dover, Delaware to identify different land cover classes and calculate the percentages of the land uses in the overall image using the protocol. [18] Students will then have a field experience to analyze our school site and determine the Modified UNESCO Classification Scheme (MUC) value of the campus by using the manual land cover protocol. [19] Students will also analyze aerial photographs of the surrounding area of our school to determine how the different MUC values appear in aerial photographs. Students will engage in an activity to use the GLOBE data to interpret land cover. Using the GLOBE visualizations students must access data from two other schools with the same MUC class and determine the types of environmental conditions present to determine the factors that are important in determining land cover. [20]


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