Lesson Plans
Since my classes are 90 minute blocks, I sometimes combine units to maximize instructional time. For example, once my students and I have read a novel together, giving me the opportunity to review all literary techniques and devices important in upcoming novels, I may integrate the reading of a second or third novel with the work we do on the research paper. Often it doubles as a classroom management tool. In earlier years when I have integrated reading a novel with the research paper, I structured my class so the first 30 minutes are SSR, or sustained silent reading, in the required selection. This focused my students, allowed time in class to complete the required reading, and provided a good balance to the various phases of the research process. The length of my lessons are then determined my where and when I place this unit in my pacing chart for English 12. As I develop my various lessons for this unit, I plan to include the time I think I may need to cover the content. Any additional time will then be used to either provide the ever needed SSR or content time for the second instructional target.
Moreover, I would like to note that at the very beginning of any new unit I will outline exactly what I want the students to understand by the completion of the unit. For this unit, by the end of the first lesson or before I begin the second, I will have on display my objectives for the map reading portion of this unit.
Lesson One: An Introduction
Rationale and Objective
I plan to begin this unit with an informal lesson to generate an interest in mapping as a way of knowing someone or something and as an opportunity to have students share with the class what they already know about mapmaking. Since we will be taking a literary excursion to Africa in this unit, students will take a quick visit to their own homes and create a "map" of a favorite room. In making their maps students will need to decide what and what not to include and in sharing their "maps" with a classmate, they will learn how those decisions influence a reader's thinking about the map and its maker. After some classroom discussion, we will look at the "New Yorker" map and discuss its purpose and point of view. At the end of the lesson students should know that maps often evoke as many questions about a person or place as they answer and that maps often carry a point of view. This can be informally assessed with a journal entry explaining what they learned about maps in today's lesson. This lesson should not require more than 45-50 minutes and it should be almost entirely student-centered, meaning the teacher should only guide or redirect student generated information.
- Graph paper
- Blackboard with chalk or overhead
- Loose-leaf or student journals
- Computer with screen
- New Yorker map
- Teacher will explain to students that the class will be taking a literary excursion to Africa this quarter so it might be best to start with a quick trip to our own homes.
- She will then read the directions from board/overhead saying, using the graph paper provided each student is to create a floor plan or "map" of a favorite room or place in his/her home, including as much detail as possible. A student shouldn't be afraid to draw where a current book is kept or a favorite poster hung. (15-20 minutes)
- Teacher will then direct students to exchange maps with a classmate, study each others' map, record on the back what you're able to uncover or conclude about the place and its mapmaker, and then share that information with the classmate. (5-10 minutes)
- Afterwards, together the class will create a list, using the blackboard, of what maps do and do not reveal about a person or place and some of the problems we encounter when reading a map. (5 minutes)
- Teacher will follow this discussion with the map of a New Yorker's perspective on New York. She should ask the students what they think are the map's purpose and point of view and why. (5 minutes)
- To conclude, the students will write a reflection entry in their journals explaining what they think they know about maps and mapmaking. (5-10 minutes)
Teacher should informally assess student understanding by monitoring student-to-student discussions of their personal maps, questioning students as they generate the class list of what maps do and do not reveal, facilitating a discussion of the "New Yorker" map, and reviewing student reflections.
Lesson Two - Maps: A Purpose and a Point of View
Rationale and Objective
Once my students have had opportunity to talk about their own maps I want us to look at some European maps of Europe and Africa. In looking at the maps I want my students to question the purpose and point of view they find there. What do they think is the purpose behind the creation of each map? Does the map convey a particular viewpoint? In what ways do the maps' details or subject support those conclusions? I also want my students to review two column note-taking so I will imbed that procedure into the lesson. By the end of the lesson and its independent activities, the students should know that maps can be used by government authorities to support nationalistic and imperialistic goals and that maps can often skew one's perception of a place or situation based on what they do and don't include. This will be informally assessed through discussion, student presentations, and reflective journal writing.
- Computer and screen
- Assorted Maps - Belgium the Lion, The Queen, Imperial Federation Map, L'Afrique and others (see teacher resources)
- Overhead and map transparencies
- Loose-leaf or student journals
- As the students enter, distribute their journals and display the two maps of Europe — one as Belgium the Lion and the other as Europe the Queen. Ask the students to examine the two maps, draw any similarities they can between these maps and the New Yorker map from the previous lesson, and write about them in their journals. (If necessary, show them the New Yorker map again. (5-10 minutes)
- Working with their shoulder partner, have the students share their thoughts using the A-B conversation protocol, A speaks for 30-45 seconds and then B speaks. Then let them share what they learned from their partners with the class. Make sure the students identify how nationalistic the maps appear and how they suggest their own self-importance and Eurocentric viewpoint. (5 minutes)
- Before examining the Imperial Federation Map, explain to the students that we are going to look at a variety of maps to explore their purpose and point of view. To do this we're going to use two column note-taking, so they need to turn to a clean sheet of paper in their journal and make two columns - one what they see and one what they think.
- Now examine the map in its entirety. Using a Think Aloud ask the students record one or two items that you question and what you think about them. Then show the students various close ups of sections of the map, again modeling what details you might question and what you think about them.
- After looking at all the close ups, ask the students to point out what they see as different in this map from the previous maps. Ask them what they think is the purpose of this map and what point of view it might reflect. Students should recognize that the map highlights all areas under British rule and it glorifies that Empire.
- Next explain we're going to repeat the same steps during our examination of a different map, a map of Africa. This time have the students say what we should record in our journal and repeat the same questions after the steps have been completed. (Examining the maps and recording notes may take 30 minutes)
- Finally, explain to students that working in groups of 3 or 4, they will examine some other European maps using the note-taking strategy we've practiced and share their findings with the class. Distribute two different maps on transparencies to each group and give the groups about 15 minutes to examine and draw some conclusions as to purpose and point of view.
- Then have each group share their maps and their findings with the class. (15 minutes)
- If time permits, have the students reflect in their journal on what they've learned or come to understand about these maps. If not, have them complete as homework.
Teacher should informally assess student learning by monitoring student-to-student dialogues, questioning students during classroom discussions and presentations, and reviewing their reflection entries
Lesson Three - Independent Small Group Research on European Explorers in Africa
Lesson Four - Proverbs
Rationale and Objective
If I want my students to understand and appreciate the literary devices Achebe uses in Things Fall Apart, they need to be able to read and understand traditional Igbo proverbs and recognize the dual purpose they serve. This novel not only uses language to convey meaning but to celebrate traditional African storytelling practices. In fact, proverbs are often embedded within the stories of the griots, or the oral historians of West Africa, who keep the history and legends of their culture alive through the continual retelling of their peoples' stories. By the end of this lesson my students should know that a proverb is a wise saying that reveals some truth about the human experience and it is an integral and valued part of the folk literature of many African peoples. Through classroom discussion and completed worksheets, I will informally assess student understanding.
Note that this lesson should take no longer than 45 minutes so it can be preceded with an introduction to Chinua Achebe and his novel or followed with the reading of chapter one.
- Blackboard and chalk
- Overhead and transparency with two or more traditional African proverbs
- Handout listing several Igbo proverbs from the first two or three chapters in the novel (teacher created using proverbs directly from the text)
- As students enter write on the board a typical adage found within our culture: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree or the early bird catches the worm.
- Ask if anyone is familiar with the expression and if so what it means.
- Then explain that in African culture wise sayings like this are called proverbs and proverbs are often a very important part of African storytelling. In fact someone who knows them and knows when and how to use them when they need to is often considered a gifted speaker. (5 minutes)
- Now, using the overheard, show the students some traditional African proverbs from different African tribes. Go through the list asking the students what they might mean and when it might be appropriate to use them. (5-10 minutes)
- Next, explain to the students that the novel we'll be reading, set in Nigeria, has many Igbo proverbs embedded throughout the narrative and you have a list of some of the ones found early in the work.
- Distribute the worksheet and have the students work in pairs to discuss their possible meanings and how they might be important to the story. (15-20 minutes)
- Review their answers and ideas about their function in the story. (5-10 minutes)
Teacher should informally assess student learning by monitoring student-to-student dialogues, questioning students during classroom discussions, and reviewing their completed worksheets.