Delaware/NCCVT Standards for ELA, Grade 12
The unit addresses the Delaware/NCCVT Standards outlined below.
(1,2) A. Students will be able to write a well-developed and organized academic
( 1) B. Students will be able to produce documents written in a technical format.
3. Students will write a short report (progress, feasibility, or proposal).
(1,4) D. Students will be able to view language from different perspectives.
- Given a literary selection, students will interpret an author's meaning through an understanding of his/her use of language.
(2,4) E. Students will be able to evaluate the literary techniques a particular author uses with respect to purpose and effect on the reader.
- Given a variety of literary genre, students will explain why an author would use a particular literary technique and how it affects the reader.
( 4) F. Student will be able to evaluate a literary selection in terms of human motives, conflicts, and values.
- Given a literary selection, students will determine the impact of the decisions of characters on other characters and the reader.
- Given a literary selection students will explain the motives of characters and relate them to their own lives.
- Given a literary selection, students will demonstrate that literature is a resource for shaping decisions and examining conflict.
( 4) G. Students will demonstrate an understanding of literature as a reflection of when and where it was written.
- Given a piece of literature, students will provide evidence that literature often reflects the society in which it was composed by examining significant elements of the society.
- Given a literary selection, students will determine the time period of the selection.
- Given two of more pieces of literature, students will apply the knowledge gained from one selection to other selections and their personal lives