Maps and Mapmaking


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Content
  2. Instructional Approach
  3. Formative and Summative Assessments
  4. Lesson Plans
  5. Annotated List of Works Consulted
  6. Student Bibliography and Teacher Resources
  7. Appendix

Mapping Change: How Colonialism Changed a Man, His Community, and His Culture

Anne Marie Esposito

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:


Delaware/NCCVT Standards for ELA, Grade 12

The unit addresses the Delaware/NCCVT Standards outlined below.

(1,2) A. Students will be able to write a well-developed and organized academic


( 1) B. Students will be able to produce documents written in a technical format.

3. Students will write a short report (progress, feasibility, or proposal).

(1,4) D. Students will be able to view language from different perspectives.

  • Given a literary selection, students will interpret an author's meaning through an understanding of his/her use of language.

(2,4) E. Students will be able to evaluate the literary techniques a particular author uses with respect to purpose and effect on the reader.

  • Given a variety of literary genre, students will explain why an author would use a particular literary technique and how it affects the reader.

( 4) F. Student will be able to evaluate a literary selection in terms of human motives, conflicts, and values.

  • Given a literary selection, students will determine the impact of the decisions of characters on other characters and the reader.
  • Given a literary selection students will explain the motives of characters and relate them to their own lives.
  • Given a literary selection, students will demonstrate that literature is a resource for shaping decisions and examining conflict.

( 4) G. Students will demonstrate an understanding of literature as a reflection of when and where it was written.

  • Given a piece of literature, students will provide evidence that literature often reflects the society in which it was composed by examining significant elements of the society.
  • Given a literary selection, students will determine the time period of the selection.
  • Given two of more pieces of literature, students will apply the knowledge gained from one selection to other selections and their personal lives


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