Annotated List of Works Consulted
Achebe, Chinua. "The Novelist as Teacher." Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays 1965 - 1987. New York: Anchor-Doubleday, 1990. Although I only read some specific references to points Achebe made about his goals as a writer, I easily made connections between his purpose and his novel, Things Fall Apart.
Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor Books, 1994. A wonderful novel that examine the effects of colonialism in Africa from a truly African perspective.
"African Proverb of the Month." African Proverbs, Sayings and Stories. 10 August 2007:
10 August 2007 http:/>. A good source for African proverbs.
Colomb, J.C.R. Imperial Federation. Map. "Norman B. Leventhal Map Center." Boston
Public Library. 21 October 2004. 10 August 2007>.This map's border and shading does an excellent job of conveying point of view.
Harley, J. B. "Deconstructing the Map." Cartographica. 26:2 (Summer 1989) 1-20. A dense but useful overview for critiquing maps.
Harley, J. B. The New Nature of Maps: Essays in the History of Cartography. Ed.
Paul Laxton. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 2001. Collection includes the "Deconstructing the Map" selection.
"Belgium as a lion." Map. "Leo Belgicus." Wikipedia. 22 March 2007: 10 August 2007>. Use this map to discuss purpose and point of view. Also, you can use it to see if students will make a connection between this map and the imperialistic goals of Leopold II.
L'Isle, Guillaume de. L'Afrique. Map. "Norman B. Leventhal Map Center." Boston
Public Library. 21 October 2004. 10 August 2007>.
Map shows European view of Africa.
Marzano, Robert J., Debra J. Pickering, and Jane E. Pollock. Classroom Instruction That
Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement . Alexandria,
VA: ASCD, 2001. This is a great resource for creating lesson plans that promote student learning.
Munster, Sebastion. "Europe As A Queen." Map. Strange Maps. 10 August 2007>. This is a terrific anthropomorphic map of Europe to use for purpose and point of view.
Pakenham, Thomas. The Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the Dark Continent From 1876 to 1912. New York: Perennial, 2003. A detailed overview of European colonialism in Africa from 1876 to 1912. I learned a lot from reading this book.
"The Role of the Writer in a New Nation." African Writers on African Writing. Ed.
G.D. Killam. Evaston: Northwestern University Press, 1973. In a reference to this work, I found the proverb that I thought best conveyed one of Achebe's purposes in writing Things Fall Apart - giving the colonization of Africa an African voice.
Streinberg, Saul. "View of the World from 9th Avenue." The New Yorker. 29 March
1976 "ASME's Top 40 Magazine Covers of the Last 40 Years." ASME 10 August
2007>. It has the picture that graced the cover of The New Yorker depicting a classic New York point of view and yes, it is a map.
Webb, Allen. "Village of Umuofia." Literary Worlds. 10 August 2007>.This interactive website creates a physical layout of the fictional village of Umuofia. The pictures and music would help struggling readers gain a stronger sense of place while reading Things Fall Apart. I know I plan to use it!
World Masterpieces: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Prentice Hall Literature.
New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004. A world literature textbook that includes a section on African proverbs; it is a useful textbook resource.