Works Cited
Allen, Roberta. Fast Fiction: Creating Fiction in Five Minutes. Cincinnati: Story Press, 1997.
The bible for teaching short, short story writing as it defines the form and provides guidance for teaching it. This book will provide mini-lessons and teaching strategies for the unit. "Flash Fiction." 3 July 2007
A reliable site for quick answers, especially in regard to vocabulary.
Bauman, Amy, and Peterson, Art. Breakthroughs: Classroom Discoveries About Teaching Writing.
This is where I was first introduced to episodic writing. In general, the book offers experienced classroom voices in creative writing that will generate interest and solid learning opportunities.
Earle, Jamelah. Literary Kicks: Where Literature Lives On. November 2004 7 July
Very knowledgeable blog reporting on anything literary. Welcomes submissions.
English, Van H. Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. 2002. 25 July 2007.
detail?vid=5&hid=105&sid=ed278ba7-787f-468b-95b2- d79f2456d691%40sessionmgr109>.
Good source for information on the history of maps.
Pennsylvania Department of Education. "Academic Standards." State Board of Education 11 March 2006 20 July 2007
Direct URL to index of all Pennsylvania Education Standards.
New Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 15th Ed., Vol. 7, Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica,
Good resource to turn to for overall background.
Peterson, Art. The Writer's Workout Book: 113 Stretches Toward Better Prose. Berkeley: National Writing Project, 1996.
A writing teacher's must have handbook for insight into craft and the teaching of writing in the classroom. This book will provide mini-lessons and teaching strategies for the unit.
Strange 2006 November. 6 July 2007. http://>.
A great site to find strange maps which are perfect for this unit. Make sure to check out the archives.
Thomas, James; Thomas, Denise; and Hazuka, Tom. Flash Fiction: Very Short Stories. New York: Norton, 1992.
The book contains excellent examples of flash fiction with the majority of the stories not over 1½ pages.