Other Teacher Resources
Brown, Dan, ed. "Smokelong Quarterly." 15 June 2007. 25 July 2007.
An e-zine that publishes only flash fiction. In its 17th issue. I advise selecting stories, and not just letting students on the site.
Ehrenberg, Ralph E. Mapping the World: An Illustrated History of Cartography. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2006.
Beautifully illustrated large-sized book packed with reproductions of maps, portolans, and mappa mundis each with excellent commentary. This book provides good classroom examples and background.
Graham, Alma, ed. Discovering Maps: A Children's World Atlas and Guide to Map Reading. Canada: Hammond, 2006.
An elementary guide in the use of maps, and a good resource for teachers and students.
Monmonier, Mark. How To Lie With Maps. 2nd ed. University of Chicago Press:
Chicago, 1991.
While I have only read two chapters from this book in my seminar (chapters two and four), they were excellent on how maps can be "cartographic seduction" (7).
Short, John Rennie. The World Through Maps. Richmond Hill: Firefly, 2002.
A must read is chapter 19, particularly "Maps as Propaganda." Excellent as a resource in discussing how maps have been used to manipulate information.
Orton, Debi, ed. "flashquake." 2007. 8 July 2007. http://www.flashquake.org/
An e-zine publishing short short stories. Good idea to preview before letting students on site.
"Vestal Review." July 2007. 25 July 2007. http://www.vestalreview.net/issue30/
An e-zine that publishes under the Amazon.com label. Quality work, but again, you should preview site first.