Annotated Works Cited and Resources
Works Cited / Teacher Resources
Ardizzone, Leonisa. Listening to Youth Voices: Activism and Critical Pedagogy Useful Theory Making Critical Education Practical ed. Rebecca Goldstein. New York. Peter Lang Publishing, 2006. This contributions provides a scholarly and practical analysis of critical pedagogy for public educators.
Burke, James. Tools of Thought: graphic organizers for your classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2002. A book written by Jim Burke of Burlingame High School, California, is a must have for teachers using graphic organizers for English and Humanities content.
Case, Sunstein. 2.0. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. This timely book provides insigtful appraisal of online discourse, polirization and internet free speech implications.
Christel, Mary. Lessons Plans for Creating Media-Rich Classroom. Ed. Mary Christel, Scott Sullivan. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 2007. Provides practical ideas for incorporating media literacy in classrooms. It comes with a companion teacher's resources disk.
Dodge, Bernie. Webquest. August 9, 2007. (accessed July 9 2008). This website provides a portal for information for understanding and making webquest to support student inquiry projects.
Domine, Vanessa. Doing Technology in the College Classroom: Media Literacy as Critical Pedagogy Useful Theory- Making Critical Education Practical ed. Rebecca Goldstein. New York. Peter Lang Publishing, 2006. Although targeted toward post secondary classrooms, this article provides insights for k-12 teachers using media technologies to develop critical thinking skills.
Donor Choose. Donor Choose matches teachers with donors interested in supporting school projects. Teachers could request support to purchase films or magazine subscriptions related to their inquiry projects.
Fabos, Betinna. Learning Through Critical Literacy: Why Google is Not Enough. Brave New Classrooms: Educational Democracy and the Internet eds. Joe Lockard and Mark Pegrum. New York. Peter Lang, 2007. This article provides interesting approach to helping teachers support students in critically evaluating search results and websites.
Hudson, David L. K-12 Student Expression Cyber Speech. May 12 2008. (accessed July 9 2008). Hudson a first amendment scholar contributes to this student expression first amendment website. He covers resources and background knowledge on free cyber speech rights.
International Reading Association & National Council of Teachers of English. ReadWrite Think: Student Materials: Venn Diagram. 16 Feb. 2007. NCTE web site offers valuables tools like this interactive Venn diagram. This link could be used to model for students how to use Venn diagram to compare and contrast different communication innovations.
Jake, David, Pennington Mark E., Knodle Howard. A. Using the Internet to Promote
Inquiry-Based Learning. 15 Feb 2007. This e-paper describes a structured
approach to using the internet to support inquiry-based learning.
Just Read Now. Frayer Model: Graphic Organizer. 20 July 2008. This link provides strategies and a template for using Frayer Model vocabulary squares.
KnowledgeWharton. MySpace, Face book and Other Social Networking Sites: Hot Today, Gone Tomorrow? 02 May 2006. (accessed June 25 2008) This e-zine article covers business and educational issues related to social networking sites.
Parker, Diane. Planning for Inquiry: It's not an oxymoron. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 2007. This book provides tips and strategies for implementing inquiry at the lower and upper elementary grade levels.
PSSA Test Taking Strategies. . This link provides a graphic organizer to support students in responding to open ended questions.
Rosen, Larry D. Me MySpace and I : Parenting the Net Generation. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007.This book provides interesting psychological and social insights for parents and teachers for undertanding how online social networking helps young people form their indenties.
Scholastic. Junior Scholastic Magazine 2008-2009 Editorial Highlights. . This publication is well suited to supplement your social studies curriculum. Each issue covers topical subjects like bullying, first amendment rights, popular culture studies, etc.
Southern Poverty Law Center.Teaching Tolerance. Teaching Tolerance provides resources and grants to help reduce prejudice and promote diveristy. Their Mix It grant promotes effective methods for removing social barriers in schools.
Sperry, Chris. The Search for Truth - Teaching media literacy, core content and essentials for healthy democracy. Threshold 8(Winter 2006): 8-11. This article provides strategies and perspectives of using media literacy in core subject matters such as social studies and language arts.
Street, Chris Tech Talk for Social Studies Teachers- Evaluating Online Resources: The Importance of Critical Reading Skills In Online Environment. The Social Studies (November/December 2005): 271-273. This article provides strategies for helping student develops the "habits of mind" needed to evaluate online resources.
Vaidhyanathan, Siva. The Anarchist in the Library: How the Clash Between Freedom and Control is Hacking the Real World and Crashing the System. New York: Basic Books, 2004. This book tackles the technological, political and social impact of the digitalization age. Viadhyanthan writing style is engaging, clear and concise.
Vaidhyanathan, Siva The Googlization of Everything September 25 2007. (accessed May 9 2008). This online book in progress offers insights and perspective of Google's influence on publishing, research and public policy.
West, Cornell. Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism. New York Penguin Press, 2004. West explores democracy from a variety of perspectives- Tocqueville to Hip Hop. His insights on youth culture are timely.
Student's Web and Media Resources
Burke, James. Vocabulary Squares. Tools for Thought. Heinemann. 06 Jun 2008>. This handout can be used to support students' academic vocabulary skills development.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The History of Inventions. 12 July 2008>. This site provides a digital timeline of major inventions throughout history along with brief description of the invention and its impact on society.
Cyber Smart. Great Moments In Communications. 12 July 2008>. This site provides activities sheets and handouts for making communication timelines.
First Amendment Center K-12 Student Expression. May 12 2008. . This site provides great resources, cases and information on first amendments rights.
Growing Up Online. Dirs., Rachel Dretzin , John Maggio. Frontline, 2007.>.This website accompanies the documentary film that explores the risks, realities, and misconceptions of teenage self-expression on the World Wide Web. Parental permission maybe required for younger viewers.
Ikeepsafe Coaliation. 12 July 2008>. This site is sponsored by corporate and internet safety advocates. The site is kid friendly and has useful video clips on internet safety.
International Reading Association & National Council of Teachers of English. ReadWrite Think: Student Materials: NCTE web site offers a host of student resources such as timelines, and other interactive graphic organizers.
National Center for the Missing & Exploited Children. Net Smart Workshop: . The netsmartz web site offers a host of student resources for child protection. The tone of the site is more cautionary.
Street Side Stories. 19 Jun 2008 >. This site helps give elementary and middle school students a voice through digital story telling.
Center for Digital Stories. Center for Digital Story Telling. 19 Jun 2008>.This site provides digital resources for teachers and students.
"Tag It A 3." PSSA Test Taking Strategies. School District of Philadelphia. 06 Jun 2008>. This graphic organizer provides the process for responding to fiction and non-fiction text.