Appendix 1: Pennsylvania and School District of Philadelphia Curriculum Standards
Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Viewing Standards
Standard: Reading #1 - Apply effective reading strategies to comprehend, organize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate texts to construct meaning.
Standard: Reading #3 - Read for a variety of purposes: to seek information; to apply knowledge; to enhance enjoyment; to engage in inquiry and research; to expand world views; to understand individuality, shared humanity, and the heritage of the people in our city as well as the contributions of a diversity of groups to American culture and other cultures throughout the world.
Standard: Writing #2 - Write for academic, personal, social, civic, and school-to-career purposes.
Standard: Writing #4 - Conduct and document inquiry-based research using oral, print, and communications systems.
Standard: Viewing -View media, technology, and live performances for a variety of purposes including gathering information, making informed judgments, processing information, and for enjoyment.
Social Studies Standards
Culture - Demonstrate an understanding of culture and how culture affects the individual and society.
Time, Continuity, and Change - Analyze historical events, conditions, trends and issues to understand the way human beings view themselves, their institutions, and others, now and over time, to enable them to make informed choices and decisions.
Individuals, Groups and Institutions - Demonstrate an understanding of the role of individuals, groups, and institutions and how their actions and interactions exert powerful influences on society.