

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Singapore Math
  4. Order of Magnitude
  5. Number Bonds
  6. Numbers to 20
  7. Numbers to 40
  8. The Number 100
  9. Classroom Activities
  10. Endnotes
  11. Bibliography
  12. Materials List

Each Number in its Place: Teaching Place Value to First Graders

Carol P. Boynton

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Numbers to 20

Counting and Comparing

The students will learn how to count, read and write within 20. Two-digit numbers within 20 are introduced as being 1 ten and additional ones and 20 as being 2 tens. In order to count objects such as picture cutouts, students first make 10, then they may count on from 10. Number cards are used to help student recognize the numeral representing the number within 20. At the same time, the related number-word can be written to help students associate the number word with the symbolic representation.

Once the students are familiar with the numbers within 20 they will learn to count backwards within 20 as well. This will help them recall the number sequence within 20 which in turn will help with the comparison of numbers within 20.

Students are first introduced to comparison of the number of objects like animals and counters, between two or more sets before the abstract comparison of numbers. They will use the terms greater, greatest, smaller, and smallest during the comparisons.

Addition and Subtraction

Students will learn to add by making 10 first. Picture cutouts are used to demonstrate this method. Number bonds are then used to show the symbolic form of addition which helps the student move to adding without visual aids.

With subtraction, students are first taught to group objects in ones and tens before performing the act of taking away the desired number of objects during subtraction. They count the remaining objects to find the answer to the subtraction. Number bonds are used again to display the symbolic form of subtraction and show that the taking away can take place to the ten or the ones.


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