I believe that all children can learn, but that they do so in varied ways, some of which are easier for them to use than others. My goal as a teacher is to reach students of diverse learning styles through the use of different teaching techniques. Students will gain more knowledge, retain more information, and perform far better when teaching styles match learning styles.65 However, it is recognized that it is difficult to match a single lesson with every learning style and therefore, a portfolio of teaching styles is recommended.66 Extraverts need activities that will require them to engage in reflective thinking and to communicate that thinking in writing rather than orally. Introverts need to have their thinking stimulated and to be able to quietly rationalize their ideas. Activities which physically engage encourage all students to be involved, while art projects foster internalization and allow the students to express themselves in unique ways. In Pittsburgh, we have adopted the "5E" program of teaching, which encourages teachers to explore several ways to present information to the students, as well as to allow them time to explore the information themselves. In this way, each student can find a way to internalize their learning.
Lesson Plans Overview
Engage: Guided debate session on limiting daily vehicular mileage. Explore: Internet research to determine what health issues relate to which chemical ingredients, and on the catalytic converter; who invented it, where and when, for what purpose, and what results it gives us. Explain: Guided notes with Power Point, students illustrate catalytic converter and label the parts of the converter. Elaborate: Students collaborate to create poster or brochure as a "public health service" to warn the public of the health issues that may result from the exposure to vehicle emissions. Evaluate: Cooperatively compare and contrast 3 states' vehicle emissions laws and regulations. Students will debate if government should create laws about vehicle emissions, and if so, what they should be.
Lesson Plan I:
The students are given prepared arguments and are to determine whether the argument given is a "pro" or "con" for limiting daily vehicular mileage. The students will arrange themselves on opposite sides of a conference table according to their position on the issue. The students will take turns reading their position out loud, with the pro first, and the student on the opposite side of the table with the con will respond. This continues until all students have read a prepared statement. Students are then to leave their position papers and rearrange themselves according to their feelings about the issue and will re-debate the issue, using the prepared notes as guidelines only. The teacher will then stop the debate and have the students, as a class, explain what they have learned from the debate, and ask any questions that have resulted from it, for further research and discussion later in the week.
Lesson Plan II:
Students are given a list of the chemicals found in the complete life cycle of vehicles. They are to use this list to determine no less than two impacts each vehicle has on human health. Students will create a table, using EXCEL, to graphically represent their findings. Students will research the catalytic converter to answer the 5 W's (who invented it, when, for what reason, how does it work, and what results does it give.)
Lesson Plan III:
Students are put into small groups (2 or 3 students each is best) and are assigned 3 states in the United States to research. They are to use the internet to determine what the CURRENT laws on vehicle emissions are for all vehicles in each state. They should be able to answer 5 questions for each state: What is the law? When was it enacted? What are some specific reasons in that state for the enactment of this law? How do citizens in that state comply, and demonstrate compliance? What are the arguments used in the state by its citizens for and against this law? After research, the students will cooperatively explain their findings to the teacher and the rest of the class. When all students have explained their findings, students will create a minimum of three arguments for their personal position about whether the government should have the power to create laws about emissions.
For more extensive lesson plans, extensions, on-going research on air pollutants in the Pittsburgh Public Schools, and teacher resources, contact author via email.