S1. All students explain how scientific principles of chemical, physical, and biological phenomenon have
developed and relate them to real-world situations.
S2. All students demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts and principles of physical, chemical, biological and
earth sciences.
S5. All students construct and evaluate scientific and technological systems using models to explain or predict
S7. All students evaluate advantages, disadvantages and ethical implications associated with the impact of
science and technology on current and future life.
S9. All students demonstrate basic computer literacy, including word processing, software applications, and the
ability to access the global information infrastructure, using current technology.
S3.8. All students will recognize that technology and scientific knowledge influence society through the impact
of their products and processes.
S4.3.12.A - Analyze the complexity of environmental health issues.
National Standards
. Unifying Concepts and Processes: evidence, models, and explanation
. Science as Inquiry: abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
. Life Science: biological evolution
. Life Science: behavior of organisms
. Science in Personal and Community Perspectives: personal and community health