Annotated Reading Lists
Annotated Suggested Student Reading List
Brininstool, Jason. Off -Road Vehicle Emissions and Their Effects on Human Health. Road-RIPorter Issue: Spring Equinox 2006, Volume 11 #1
(This article provides a brief overview of the effect of emissions on human health and demonstrates the need for testing on recreational vehicles quite clearly.)
Jamssem, S., T. Schettler. 2003. Health implications of snowmobile use in Yellowstone National Park. 27p. (An overview of snowmobile effects on human health, as found by a study in Yellowstone Park, and examines the park service's decision to limit the use of these vehicles rather than phase them out entirely. Students must go to the website and type in Yellowstone as a search vehicle on the site.)
Stanford University (2008, January 4). Carbon Dioxide Emissions Linked To Human Mortality. Science Daily. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from (Discusses the effects of carbon dioxide, and the EPA's decision to not allow states to set their own emissions standards.)
US EPA. (A thorough research tool for environmental impact analyses.)
Wargo, John, PhD., Wargo, Linda, MES, Alderman, Nancy. The Harmful Effects of Vehicle Exhaust: A Case for Policy Change. Jane Bradley. Environment and Human Health, Inc. 2006. Can be accessed or ordered at (an incredible resource for students to follow the issues in plain speak, while relating it to their own lives.)
Annotated Suggested Teacher Reading List
Cain, C.J. and J. Coefield. 2001. Preliminary Air Dispersion Modeling Analysis of Yellowstone National Park West Entrance: Wintertime Carbon Monoxide Emissions. Monitoring and Data Management Bureau, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Helena, MT. accessible at (This site includes snowmobile facts, concerns, solutions, and resolutions specifically enacted in Montana.)
Grambsch, A. 2002. Climate change and air quality. In: The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Transportation. Federal Research Partnership Workshop, Department of Transportation Center for Climate Change and Environmental Forecasting. (Can be accessed through US DOT at and link to transportation emissions. The DOT website also provides access to numerous other climate change articles.) (the PDF file is indexed at: - filed as a pdf. (This website lists 33 HAPs identified as posing the greatest risk to public health in the largest number of urban areas. In addition, it identifies other air toxics and discusses the Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy.)
Jamssem, S., T. Schettler. 2003. Health implications of snowmobile use in Yellowstone National Park. 27p. (An overview of snowmobile effects on human health, as found by a study in Yellowstone Park, and examines the park service's decision to limit the use of these vehicles rather than phase them out entirely. Students must go to the website and type in Yellowstone as a search vehicle on the site.)