Annotated Bibliography - Student Resources
"Brain." 42explore: Thematic Pathfinders for All Ages. (accessed August 1, 2009). The website provides additional resources for teachers and students.
Curry, Don L.. How Does Your Brain Work (Rookie Read-About Health). New York: Children's Press (CT), 2004. It is a simple discussion of the brain, its parts, and its functions.
"Educational Websites For Kids - The KidsKnowIt Network." Educational Websites For
Kids - The KidsKnowIt Network. (accessed August 1,
2009). A fun and educational website for kids to learn about the brain.
Funston, Sylvia, and Jay Ingram. It's All in Your Head: A Guide to Your Brilliant Brain.
Toronto, Ontario: Maple Tree Press, 2005. The illustrations and content is easy to read
and understand. It also includes experiments and brain teasers.
" Neuroscience For Kids - Home ." UW Faculty Web Server. (accessed August 1, 2009). A great
source for diagrams, charts, games, and information about the brain.
Newquist, Hp. The Great Brain Book: An Inside Look At The Inside Of Your Head.
Mexico: Scholastic Nonfiction, 2005. A good resource book that provides information
about the brain. There are colorful illustrations and designs.
"The Secret Life of the Brain : 3-D Brain Anatomy." PBS. (accessed August 1, 2009). A detailed explanation
regarding current neuroscience research about the brain. It includes a segment titled - The
Teenage Brain: A World of Their Own.
"Your Brain & Nervous System ." KidsHealth - the Web's most visited site about
children's health. (accessed August
1, 2009). It has kid-friendly information about the brain.