Activity 5:
The behavioral objectives for this activity include: (1) students will learn what bubonic plague is and how it was transmitted to people, (2) students will learn some possible reasons why some people developed immunity to bubonic plague, (3) students will learn the affect the plague had on the economy and the population in Europe, (4) students will learn why Bubonic Plague is compared to HIV/AIDS. Students will watch the video (2000 and Beyond, Confronting the Microbe Menace). After watching the movie, students will be divided into groups of three. Each group is given a Venn Diagram Graphic Organizer on chart paper. Each group will provide a three minute presentation about the graphic organizer they completed. Prior to leaving the classroom students will be given and exit ticket. The ticket will contain the following columns: What did I see? What did I hear? and What did I learn? In order for the student to leave the class they have to give one short answer for each question. The answers should be very brief. The exit ticket serves as a method of checking for understanding