Electronic Resources
Center for Disease Control. Healthy Youth/Sexual Risk Behaviors. (October 23, 2008), http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/sexualbehaviors/index.htm. Retrieved July, 2010).
Website operated by the government responsibilities include conducting research and reporting pathogens found in the US. Website gives facts about HIV infection and risky sexual behavior in teenagers.
Cimons, Marlene. Los Angeles Times (September 19, 1985), http://www.aegis.com/news/It/1985/It850910.htm. Retrieved July, 2010.
Website containing newspaper articles from the Los Angeles Times it also provides current information about new events pertaining to HIV/AIDS in California.
Kaiser Family Foundation. HIV/AIDS Policy Fact Sheet (July 2007), http://www.kff.org/hivaids/upload/6089-04.pdf . Retrieved July , 2010.
Website for the organization that provides facts and figures about AIDS in our community The fact sheets are teacher friendly and can serve as a reference sheets.
Mark Cichocki, RN. About.com:AIDS/HIV. (May 16, 2010), http://aids.about.com/od/newlydiagnosed/a/hivtimeline.htm. Retrieved July, 2010.
Website for newspapers, the author writes articles for the Los Angeles Times. Teachers can acquire information about the latest medical issues concerning HIV/AIDS.
Summerfield, Liane. Eric Digest (June 1, 1990), http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9215/aids.htm. Retrieved July, 2010.
Website serves as a collection house for educational articles. The website is under the direction of the United States Government.