Appendix B
Sonnet Graphic Organizer
"Alliteration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. " Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Alliteration (accessed July 15, 2011). This source is useful for finding basic information on alliteration.
"Alliteration. " Types of Poetry. http://www. types-of-poetry. org. uk/46-alliteration. htm (accessed July 15, 2011). This site is useful for accessing various forms of poetry and identifying figurative language and literary devices.
"Basic Sonnet Forms. " Sonnet Central. http://www. sonnets. org/basicforms. htm (accessed July 17, 2011). Great site for researching information on sonnets.
"Biography. " Shel Silverstein. http://faculty. weber. edu/chansen/humanweb/projects/MeghanUng/biography. htm (accessed July 17, 2011). Good site to use for biographical information.
"Double meaning poem. " Tripod Web Hosting . http://sherinj. tripod. com/neat1. htm (accessed July 16, 2011). This site provides the "Double Meaning Poem" which is great to use as an introduction to the lesson on double meanings.
"E. J. Pratt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. " Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/E. _J. _Pratt (accessed July 17, 2011). Another good site for basic information on various poets.
"Emily Dickinson- Poets. org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More. " Poets. org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More. http://www. poets. org/poet. php/prmPID/155 (accessed July 16, 2011). Excellent site to use for information on poets and poetry.
Heard, Georgia. "Introduction:Poetry, Like Bread, Is For Everyone. " In Awakening the heart:exploring poetry in elementary and middle school. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1999. xv. Excellent source to use for teaching poetry. Gives many ideas on how create an atmosphere conducive to poetry.
Jamieson, ÂLee. "Iambic Pentameter - How to Study Iambic Pentameter. " Introducing Iambic Pentameter. http://shakespeare. about. com/od/shakespeareslanguage/a/i_pentameter. htm (accessed July 17, 2011). Gives great detail on learning Iambic Pentameter, which can be difficult to teach to younger students.
Kallich, Martin, J. C. Gray, and Robert M. Rodney. A book of the sonnet;poems and criticism. . New York: Twayne, 1973. Wonderful source to use to learn about sonnets and their history.
"Mood and Meaning in Poetry. " Thinkquest. library. thinkquest. org/CR0210243/. htm (accessed July 17, 2011). Good site to use to learn about poetry.
"Rhymes. " Types of Poetry. http://www. types-of-poetry. org. uk/38-rhymes. htm (accessed July 16, 2011). Great source to learn about the various forms of figurative language and literary devices.
"Rhythm. " Types of Poetry. http://www. types-of-poetry. org. uk/81-rhythm. htm (accessed July 16, 2011). Great source to learn about the various forms of figurative language and literary devices.
"Robert Frost. " Poets. org from the Academy of American Poets. http://www. poets. org/poet. php/prmPID/192 (accessed July 15, 2011). Another good source for biographies.
"Sonnet: Examples. " Patterns in Poetry. http://www. cranberrydesigns. com/poetry/sonnet/examples. htm (accessed July 17, 2011). Gives wonderful samples of sonnets for students.
"Using Graphic Organizers to Make Sense of the Curriculum. " UNA. Masterminds Publishing, llc, n. d. Web. 3 Aug. 2011. www. una. edu/faculty/onlineacademy
"William Shakespeare- Poets. org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More. " William Shakespeare. http://www. poets. org/poet. php/prmPID/122 (accessed July 15, 2011). Good source to access for various information on poetry and poets.