Chemistry of Everyday Things


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Goals & Objectives
  3. Background Research
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Annotated Bibliography
  7. Student Reading List
  8. End Notes
  9. Appendix 1: Implementing State Standards
  10. Appendix 2: Bubble Formulas
  11. Appendix 3: Marble Lather Picture
  12. Appendix 4: How Soap Removes Dirt
  13. Appendix 5: How to Make Soap

Soap: Clean for the Environment or Just Us?

Arlene Burns-Moguel

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix 2: Bubble Formulas

Have you ever blown bubbles, and noticed that some burst too quickly, while others floated along for a while? In this activity, you will compare different bubble formulas and see if you can create a better formula.

Materials: dishwashing soap, glycerine, bubble solution, corn syrup, water, petri dish, blue and red litmus paper.

Formula 1: 2/3 cup clear dishwashing soap, 1 gallon water, 2-3 tablespoon glycerine.

Formula 2: 1/3 cup commercial bubble solution, 1/3 cup water, 1/3 cup glycerine.

Formula 3: 2/3 cup clear dishwashing soap, ¼ cup corn syrup, 2 cups water.

Procedure: Place each formula in a dish and label the dish. Carefully take a blue and red litmus paper and dip them in each dish. Record the color change. Using the bubble wands provided, blow bubbles in order to compare and contrast the formulas. Answer these questions as you are working:

1) How difficult is it to form bubbles?

2) How long do the bubbles last?

3) How large can you make your bubbles?

4) What colors do you see in your bubbles?

5) Can you catch your bubble on a ring such as the open top of a glass jar?

6) Does the formula behave differently after it has sat overnight?

If you can, catch a bubble and put it somewhere where it won't be touched or vibrated. See how long the bubble lasts. Some bubbles are alleged to have stayed whole for over 300 days! They do not pop but they gradually shrink as air escapes through the film of soap.

What do you think makes a good bubble formula? Modify one of the formulas above. Measure your ingredients carefully and record what formula you tried. Record how your new solution performed. Continue experimenting with different formulas and see if you can find a formula that makes exceptional bubbles. An exceptional bubble is very large or lasts a long time.

Adapted from Prentice Hall Science Explorer, Interdisciplinary Explorations, 2001.

Extended Activity: To create large monstrous bubbles, use thin, hula hoops, or combine wire hangers to form a large circle (may be dangerous for the students, so I would have 2 pre-made). Place the bubble formula in a large plastic tub. We take this activity in the school yard, behind the school, and have the students dip the circle object in the tub, and run around the yard to see who makes the biggest bubble. (Adapted from, How to make monstrous, huge, unbelievably big bubbles, David Stein and Klutz, Palo Alto, 2005).


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