Chemistry of Everyday Things


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Goals & Objectives
  3. Background Research
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Annotated Bibliography
  7. Student Reading List
  8. End Notes
  9. Appendix 1: Implementing State Standards
  10. Appendix 2: Bubble Formulas
  11. Appendix 3: Marble Lather Picture
  12. Appendix 4: How Soap Removes Dirt
  13. Appendix 5: How to Make Soap

Soap: Clean for the Environment or Just Us?

Arlene Burns-Moguel

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix 1: Implementing State Standards

Standard: S8P1 Students will examine the scientific view of the nature of matter.

Element a. Distinguish between atoms and molecules.

Students will discuss the formation of ionic and covalent compounds.

Element b. Describe the difference between pure substances (elements and compounds) and mixtures.

Students will investigate different types of substances.

Element c. Describe the movement of particles in solids, liquids gases, and plasma states.

Discuss soap and food coloring action on water, foam and shaving cream in respect to surface tension.

Element d. Distinguish between physical and chemical properties of matter as physical (i.e. density, melting point, boiling point) or chemical (i.e., reactivity, combustibility)

Students will demonstrate physical properties by investigating mixtures with different bubble formulas; pH, density, viscosity, surface tension, temperature.

Students will investigate the action of how soap removes dirt.

Element e. Distinguish between changes in matter as physical (i.e., physical change) or chemical (i.e. development of a gas, formation of precipitate, and change in color).

Students will investigate the action of how soap removes dirt.

Element f. Recognize that there are more than 100 elements and some have similar properties as shown on the Periodic Table of Elements.

Students will identify the elements and molecules needed to create soap.

Element g. Identify and demonstrate the Law of Conservation of Matter.

Student will give evidence to the law when they create their soap and employ the chemical equation.


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