1 "Algebra I Released Test Questions." CA Dept of Education.
2 Subrmaniam, K., and Rakhi Banerjee. "Teaching Arithmetic and Algebraic Expressions."
3 Howe, Roger. "The 'Rule of Signs' in Arithmetic."
4 Subrmaniam, K., and Rakhi Banerjee. "Teaching Arithmetic and Algebraic Expressions."
5 Madden, J.J. "What is the Equals Sign?."
6 Howe, Roger. "From Arithmetic to Algebra—Journal of Mathematics Education."
7 "Algebra I Released Test Questions." CA Dept of Education.
Janet Zegna
May 4, 2014 at 4:30 pm
Strong Foundation = Success in Equations
I appreciated your section on the equal sign. I have been trying to stress to my first grade problem solvers the need to understand what they are doing when solving math problems and to minimize the stress on getting the answer only. They seem all proud of themselves when they can solve math facts but then if you ask them to solve a problem using the same numbers they have no knowledge of where to begin.