Appendix A: Common Core Standards
CC6RL1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
CC6RL2: Determine a theme of central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
CC6RL7:Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they "see" and "hear" when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.
CC6RL9: Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g. stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics
CC6I6: Identify aspects of the text that reveal an author's point of view or purpose
Appendix B: KWL Chart
Topic: Venus
K- What I Already Know
W-What I Want to Know
L-What I Learned- Were my questions answered?
Appendix C: Worksheet to compare the setting of story to the real Venus
Appendix D: RARE format text-based response rubric (both 4pt and 2pt)
RARE Format- Extended Response Question (4pts.)
RARE Format- Short Answer Question (2pt.)
Appendix E: Journal Questions for the novel Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963
Ch.1: And You Wonder Why We Get Called the Weird Watsons
- How does the author establish an immediate connection to the characters?
- Why do you think Curtis chose this setting? What interesting language does he use to describe the setting; does this make it more believable?
Ch 2: Give My Regards to Clark, Point Dexter
- How does Curtis establish a connection to reality through the dynamics of the various students Kenny goes to school with?
- What kind of relationship does Kenny have with his brother Byron?
Ch3: The World's Greatest Dinosaur War Ever
- Why is Kenny hesitant to hang out with Rufus?
- Does Curtis use any 'truth' in this chapter? Why do you think he adds this event to the story?
Ch 4: Froze-up Southern Folks
- How does the author make you sympathize for Larry Dunn? What lesson can we take away from this?
Ch 5: Nazi Parachutes Attack America and Get Shot Down Over Flint River by Captain Byron Watson and his Flamethrower of Death
- Do you think Momma was too harsh with her punishment towards Byron?
- Have you ever been punished by your parents? What happened?
Ch 6: Swedish Crèmes and Welfare Cheese
- Why do you think Curtis included this incident with Byron? It goes against what we believe about him as a character.
Ch7: Every Chihuahua in America Lines Up to Take a Bite Out of Byron
- A 'conk' was a fashion trend prevalent in the 1950s and 1960s. What fashion trends do you see people following today?
- Why do you think Curtis included this chapter?
Ch8: The Ultra Glide
- How does the author demonstrate the relationship Kenny has with his father?
- Why do you think Kenny is so eager to grow a mustache?
Ch9: The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963
- Have you ever been on a long trip that requires planning? Explain your trip if so.
Ch10: Tangled Up in God's Beard
- Why do you think Curtis chose to describe the mountains in this way?
Ch11: Bobo Brazil Meets the Shiek
- Have you traveled far to meet relatives? Can you relate to Kenny's feelings?
- Were you surprised by Byron's behavior when he met Grandma Sands?
Ch12: The Dog that Won't Hunt No More
- Why do you think Curtis included this chapter?
Ch13: I Meet Winnie's Evil Twin Brother: the Wool Pooh
- Does Curtis leave you with any questions after you have finished reading the chapter?
Ch14: Every Bird and Bug in Birmingham Stops and Wonders
- Summarize the events that happened according to Kenny
Ch15: The World Famous Watson Pet Hospital
- What is the reasoning Byron gives to Kenny to what happened in Birmingham?
- Can we take what Byron says and apply it to our own lives?
- Many novels do not have titles for each chapter. How was this fitting for Curtis to do? Would you change any of the titles?
- Does Curtis do an effective job teaching you about an incident of the past, especially one that happened over forty years ago?
- Referring back to the interview and biography of the author, why do you think Curtis incorporated his background information into the novel (setting details, traveling down South)?
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