How Drugs Work


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objective
  4. Background
  5. Physiology of Blood Pressure
  6. Systemic Vascular Resistance and Flow Etiology
  7. Non-Pharmacologic Treatment for Hypertension
  8. Pharmacological Treatments for Hypertension
  9. Activities
  10. Chronic Activity
  11. Acute Activities
  12. Final Discussion Questions
  13. Implementing District Standards
  14. Endnotes with Annotated Bibliography

The Down-Low (DL) on High Blood Pressure

Stephen Lewia

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:

Implementing District Standards

The following are the standards set forth by Richmond Public Schools for Human Anatomy and Physiology. This curriculum touches on the chemical, cellular, and body systems associated with hypertension. As shown in the progress of standards HA.3 through HA.5, starting from micro to macro is a very good pedagogical practice. This curriculum follows this practice throughout its background section. The activities used in this curriculum are inquiry based, and require student led investigation, analysis of data, observations, and creation of valid conclusions; thus aligning with standard HA.1, and many of the new National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) and National Science Foundation (NSF) recommendations.

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