Asking Questions in Biology: Discovery versus Knowledge


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objective
  3. Demographics
  4. Inquiry
  5. Background Information
  6. Comparative Anatomy
  7. Not all scientists are right!
  8. Strategies
  9. Classroom Activities
  10. Standards
  11. Appendix A
  12. Appendix B
  13. Appendix C
  14. Appendix D
  15. Resources
  16. Endnotes

Inquiring Minds Want to Know...Teaching Vertebrates through Inquiry

Kathleen Geri Gormley

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:

Classroom Activities

Lesson One- Owl Pellet Dissection; Comparative Anatomy

Essential Question- What are the similarities and differences in structure and function between a human skeleton and other vertebrates?

Background Information- Students will have made observations about the role bones have in the movement of the human body. They will have used x-rays and posters to determine the number of bones in the adult human body. Students will have constructed a human body skeleton puzzle using brads to represent joints and will have made connections between the form and the function of bones throughout the human body.

Instruction- At the beginning of this activity, as a class we will complete the T and I section of a T-I-D form. Students will then choose five facts form both sections and write them in their science journal. This helps the students to connect to the information, and is an introductory activity teaching them about taking notes. Using information from the Background section as well as non-fiction books and websites about owls, students will discover information about owls. They will determine the diets of barn owls specifically to prime them for the activity to come.

Activity- Students will be arranged into partners or groups of three. I try to keep it under three so that each student participates actively in the dissection. Each pair will be given an owl pellet and paperclips. They will be instructed to straighten the paperclip to be used as a pick. Rules should be established about the appropriate use of the "tools" we will use during activities. Students will be using a recording sheet to help them sort the bones they find inside the pellet. As students begin to pick apart the owl pellet, they will need to make decisions about what type of bone they are uncovering. They will match the actual bone up with the picture of the bone on the recording sheet. As they analyze the bones, students will begin to formulate a hypothesis as to which bones can be compared to those found in the human body. As part of the assessment, students will justify their hypothesis.

Assessment- Each pair will choose at least two of the bones they uncovered from the owl pellet and make comparisons to a bone located in the human body. Using their science journals, students will be looking for structural similarities between the different species and will formulate a theory as to why these bones are similar, why they are different, and what role the function of the bone plays in its form.

Lesson Two- Albatross Bolus Dissection: Comparison between species

Essential Question- How are organisms of the same kind alike and different from each other?

Background Information- Students will have completed the owl pellet dissection and will have received information about the owls, including their diet and habitat. They will use this prior knowledge as they discover the information about the albatross and begin to compare their findings and analyze why there is a difference in the contents of the pellets.

Instruction- Using information from the Background section as well as non-fiction texts and websites, students will learn about the habitat and diet of the albatross. Students will complete a Venn diagram comparing the information they discover regarding the two birds.

Activity- Students will be arranged into partners or groups of three. Each group will receive an Albatross bolus and paperclips, and complete the dissection following the procedures they followed during the dissection of the owl pellet. Students will use their science journal to make a hypothesis about what they will find as they dissect the bolus. Next, they will separate and sort the contents of the bolus. Upon inspecting the contents of the bolus, students will make observations and a hypothesis about the habitat of the albatross and what impact humans are having on the albatross.

Assessment- Students will make observations in their science journals. They will develop a theory about why the contents of the pellets are different while using their knowledge of the diet and habitat of both birds. As a class, we will complete the D section of the T-I-D form we began at the beginning of this unit.

Lesson Three- Famous Scientist: Students design an investigation

Essential Question- How have past scientific contributions influenced current scientific understanding of the world? What do we mean in science when we say that we stand on the shoulders of giants?

Background Information- As a class we will complete a quick version of the T-I-D form to assess what they may or may not know about scientists and what they do.

Instruction- Using the information in the section Not all Scientists are right! And in Appendix A, I will provide a framework for my students regarding scientists, their advancements through time, and the refinements that come as more information is uncovered and knowledge is broadened.

Activity- Students will work with a partner to research a scientist. They will be able to choose one of the scientists they were introduced to or they may choose one that they have an interest in researching. Using a research template to guide their information discovery, see Appendix D, students will use the internet and non-fiction resources available in the classroom and the library at school to learn about the scientist's background. They will determine what the scientist's contribution was to our lives and understanding of our world. After they have completed their research, they will create a presentation method to deliver their new found information to the class. Some choices could be but not limited to; power point, prezi, play, or poster.

Assessment- Using the steps of the Scientific Method and information they gained through their research of famous scientists, students will design their own investigation. The guidelines will be vague in order to encourage students to make observations of their own world and tap into their own inquisitiveness. The purpose of this assessment is not to have students solve a problem, but to recognize they do not know something and can create an investigation to study this topic.


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