Genetic Engineering and Human Health


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction & Background
  2. Rationale
  3. DNA Biology
  4. DNA in Forensic Science
  5. Polymerase Chain Reaction
  6. Gel Electrophoresis
  7. Strategies and Classroom Activities
  8. Bibliography
  9. Teacher Resources Bibliography
  10. Appendix 1
  11. Appendix 2
  12. Appendix 3
  13. Appendix 4
  14. Appendix 5
  15. Notes

DNA in Forensic Science: genetic engineering applications in forensics

Vanessa Vitug

Published September 2013

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Forensic Science is a new course at Mt. Pleasant High School. Students taking Forensics are usually in the 11 th/12 th grade having successful completed Biology, Chemistry, Algebra 1, and Geometry. Most students entering Forensic Science are concurrently enrolled in Algebra 2 or Math Analysis. Students have prior knowledge of algebraic conventions and probability, which they will need for the course. Forensic Science is broken into two semesters; one semester focuses on the biological science aspects of forensic science and the other on physical science. Many students who take forensics are interested in pursuing careers related to criminal justice, medical forensics, or administration of justice. Throughout the year students learn about DNA fingerprinting, trace evidence, ballistics, toxicology, chromatography, blood splatter analysis, odontology, skeletal dimorphism, and fingerprinting. The course, though new, is gaining popularity frankly because of shows like CSI and the number of labs our students take part in. They enjoy the idea of solving cases and learning using a hands-on approach.

Because weekly laboratory work is new to many of my students, we strive to instill laboratory skills and laboratory writing throughout the semester. With Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards around the corner, we are making strides to help our students understand the application of the content taught. Thus, Forensics Science is an ideal course to add to our current class offerings.

Challenges do exist within our new course. One major challenge is our students' unfamiliarity with the laboratory equipment. Students studying forensic science have never used the majority of the equipment we use in lab. These include the use of gel electrophoresis equipment, micropipettes, heat blocks, water baths, and thermal cycler, which will be used in this unit. Thus, lessons in basic laboratory skills need to be incorporated as students learn the purpose behind the protocols they will follow in lab. Another issue we struggle with is the lack of depth in student's biology preparation. In biology, students are introduced to DNA structure, Mendelian genetics, and the Central Dogma, but beyond paper labs on transcription and translation, students do not get a chance to actually apply their learning in the laboratory or as it relates to the real world. Thus, my intended unit will strive to aid my students in reviewing the material they have already learned and extend it into the actual real-world applications of DNA. The material will be taught over a course of four weeks of fall quarter, but will be revisited throughout the semester.


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