Microbes Rule!


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Background Environment
  2. Whom the Unit Serves
  3. Rationale
  4. Background Information
  5. Smallpox
  6. Daily Schedule Overview of Unit and Activities
  7. Final Student Production
  8. Bibliography
  9. Appendix A
  10. Appendix B
  11. Notes

Microbes as a Driving Force of Change

Arcadia Alice Teel

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:

Final Student Production

Students will complete a small group project in which they must pick one microbe and describe it in detail. If they chose a microbe that we use to our benefit, they must describe the life cycle and how it is used now or has been used in the past in order to make our lives better. If the students choose a microbe that has caused problems in our past, then the students must describe its life cycle and the problem or problems it has caused throughout history and whether or not it is still a significant threat. Students can also choose a microbe that is seemingly neutral and has had no significant impact in the past but is currently being used in research in order to find a cure for a current disease. The disease involved could be genetic, immunologic, or one known to be caused by another microbe. See Appendix A for the rubric developed for this assignment.


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