Literature and Information


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview/Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Important Traditions and Customs
  5. Culture in the Classroom
  6. Content Objectives
  7. Teaching Strategies
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Introductory Lesson “Coming to America: the Story of Immigration”
  10. Extended Writing Exercise
  11. Lesson One
  12. Lesson Two
  13. Lessons 3 & 4
  14. Appendix A
  15. Appendix B
  16. Bibliography
  17. Annotated Bibliography for Teachers
  18. Annotated Bibliography for Students
  19. Online Resources

Different Cultures in Chicago's Neighborhoods: Chinese and Mexican Communities

Nadra Ruff

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:

Extended Writing Exercise

Students will watch the YouTube video titled “America, a History of Immigration: 1880-today.” This is a cartoon animated video that will serve as a media visual to support the literature book “Coming to America: The Story of Immigration.”


  • Students will write within a historical context by creating a character and describing his/her experience as an immigrant.
  • Students will reflect on the difficulties many people face when emigrating.
  • Students will practice creative writing skills.


  • Writing Journal
  • Pen
  • Post-it notes


Students will be given elements for developing a character about an immigrant. The elements may include: country of origin, year of immigration, destination, age, level of education or skills, language, travelling alone or with a family, and etc.

Assessment Criteria

  • Degree to which the reader can empathize with the immigrant in the story.
  • Accuracy and usage of historical information.
  • Writing skills: grammar usage, spelling, and critical thinking.


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