Literature and Information


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview/Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Important Traditions and Customs
  5. Culture in the Classroom
  6. Content Objectives
  7. Teaching Strategies
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Introductory Lesson “Coming to America: the Story of Immigration”
  10. Extended Writing Exercise
  11. Lesson One
  12. Lesson Two
  13. Lessons 3 & 4
  14. Appendix A
  15. Appendix B
  16. Bibliography
  17. Annotated Bibliography for Teachers
  18. Annotated Bibliography for Students
  19. Online Resources

Different Cultures in Chicago's Neighborhoods: Chinese and Mexican Communities

Nadra Ruff

Published September 2015

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Two



  Compare cultural similarities and differences, such as family traditions and customs, and the traditional clothing, food, and poetry of the Chinese and Mexican cultures. Given a similarities and differences chart and Venn diagram, each student will compare and contrast the given elements for both cultures by writing at least five descriptive words or phrases in each column of the chart. Then will then extend the activity by creating a collage of differences and similarities for the Chinese and Mexicans on a Venn diagram graphic organizer.


  • YouTube videos: Chinese culture, traditional customs, food, etc. and Mexican food, cultures, and traditions.
  • Similarities and Differences chart
  • Chinese poem: Song of the Wagons and Mexican poem “Con el Sol en los Ojos/With the Sun in My Eyes.”
  • Graphic Organizer Venn Diagram
  • Magazines, grocery store sales paper, and printed pictures of cultural aspects from both cultures.
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Colorful construction paper
  • Overhead projector


  1. Explain to students that they are going to view 2 videos about the cultural diversities of the Chinese and Mexican culture.
  2. Review with students what similarities and differences mean.
  3. Demonstrate for students how to complete the similarities and difference chart and inform them that they will be utilizing the chart as they view each video to list 5 similarities and 5 differences among the Chinese and Mexican culture.
  4. Have students partner talk about the details that they included in their chart from the video before they share out loud to the class one similarity and one difference.
  5. Read and project small excerpts of the Chinese and Mexican style of poetry and let students include on their charts aspects that are in common or different among the two forms of poetry.
  6. Provide students will a Venn diagram graphic organizer, magazines, grocery store sales papers, and printed pictures for them to cut, sort, and glue on their Venn diagram in a collage format things that the Chinese and Mexican cultures have and/or do alike and things that are different. Students may use their similarities and differences chart to assist them with this activity.
  7. Give students construction paper (color of their choice) and let them glue their finished product of their Venn diagram on it and place a catchy created title above. This activity can serve as a bulletin board display task.


Students will be assessed on the completion of the similarities and differences chart, and Venn diagram. They should have at least five descriptive words or phrases under similarities, and five under differences. Students should have their Venn diagrams completely filled in with a collage of pictures that appropriately outlines each culture’s commonalities and differences through the use of pictures.


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