Problem Solving and the Common Core


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Objectives
  4. Rationale
  5. Content
  6. Strategies
  7. Activities
  8. Appendix
  9. Bibliography

Math is All Around Us: Representing and Solving One-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems within 20

Danyelle Frye-Brulia

Published September 2015

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Students in the U.S. continue to have difficulty in solving word problems. This is a huge concern because the ability to apply math concepts in the real world context is our ultimate goal of mathematics education and we are failing our students. I chose to explore the use of manipulatives based instruction following the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach because these methods are research-based practices that have been referenced and suggested within the Common Core Progressions. These strategies have been found effective with students with disabilities as well as students experiencing difficulty mastering mathematical concepts at a pace on par with their peers. Students with disabilities as well as language barriers have been found to have success utilizing concrete manipulatives and visual models.


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