Study of the fourteen types of one-step addition and subtraction word problems within 20 expands on work started in kindergarten and sets the foundation for problem solving with addition and subtraction in second grade. The comprehension of word problems and the mechanics of addition and subtraction are to a considerable extent separate issues, although understanding what the operations mean, which is supported by work with word problems, is important support for mastery of the mechanics. It is highly desirable that students develop a strong grasp of addition and subtraction word problems in these primary grades to be prepared for future learning. Students will encounter these problem types again in later elementary grades with fractions, and again in middle school with variables. Mastering addition and subtraction situations with whole numbers provides students with foundational knowledge that they can build upon when integrating first fractions, and then variables, into their mathematical repertoires of needed understandings for college readiness.
Since the work contained in this unit will be ongoing. I have decided to utilize multiple themes that correlate with cross-curricular areas of study and community based experiences for my word problems. I will develop 3-4 collections of problems, each based on related scenarios. Basing these themes within a familiar context has been found effective when teaching students with speech and language barriers. Utilizing items that are commonly known and situations that are familiar to students reduces the language demands and need for extensive background knowledge, therefore allowing students to access the mathematical content.