Chval, Kathryn B., and John K. Lannin. Putting Essential Understanding of Fractions into Practice in Grades 3-5. NCTM published this book to help teachers gain a better understanding of fractions. This book helps teachers develop their knowledge so they are more prepared to teach their own students.
Deerwater, Raven, and Anne E. Fischer. Bridges in Mathematics a Math Learning Center Curriculum. Salem, OR: Math Learning Center, 2006. The Math Learning Center is a nonprofit organization that has produced a curriculum for the Common Core State Standards.
Fisher, Douglas, and Nancy Frey. Better Learning through Structured Teaching a Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2008. The article is a reference to how to use the gradual release model in the classroom. It clearly describes the process and how it can be applied in your classroom.
Foote, Mary Q., and Darrell Earnest. Implementing the Common Core State Standards through Mathematical Problem Solving. NCTM published this book to outline how to develop problem solvers in the classroom. The authors wrote a book that allows teachers to see how problem solving can be addressed throughout all of the Common Core Standards.
Howe, Roger. Three Pillars of First Grade Mathematics and Beyond. This resource breaks apart the taxonomies of addition and subtraction problems. It also goes on to discuss the interdependence of place value and computation.
Howe, Roger. Outline of a Development of Fractions. This article explains how fractions should be introduced to students. There are many connections made to the Common Core State Standards.
Howe, Roger. Briefs on the Number Line. This article is about how linear models and number rays can be used to develop mathematics skills in addition and fractions.
Hyde, Arthur A., and Ellin Oliver Keene. Comprehending Problem Solving: Building Mathematical Understanding with Cognition and Language. Arthur Hyde wrote a book that addresses how cognition, language, and mathematics are all woven together.
McNamara, Julie, and Meghan M. Shaughnessy. Beyond Pizzas & Pies: 10 Essential Strategies for Supporting Fraction Sense, Grades 3-5. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions, 2010. The focus of this book is on fractions and how to better teach them to students using hands on manipulatives and visual models.
Polya, George. How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method. New Princeton Science Library, 2014. This text was written to explain the mathematical processes that go into solving problems. Through this reading a teacher gains a better understanding of how and why math processes work.
Small, Marian. Uncomplicating Fractions to Meet Common Core Standards in Math, K-7. The author organizes the book by grade level and within each grade level she uncovers the common misunderstandings students have with fractions.
Sullivan, Keith. The Anti-bullying Handbook. Auckland, N.Z.: Oxford University Press, 2000. This book had a section that discussed the idea of collaborative groups in the classroom. It focused on how it can be used and the benefits it has for the students.
The Moscow Puzzles: 359 Mathematical Recreations. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1972. An entertaining puzzle book that has an assortment of problem types that will keep the brain engaged.