Classroom Activities
Students close-read the article, “Soul Wound: The Legacy of Native American Schools” and answer teacher-created document based questions (DBQs).
Students close-read the article, “France’s headscarf war: ‘It’s an attack on freedom’” and answer teacher-created document based questions (DBQs). Students can also write an argumentative response using evidence from the text.
Students examine the before and after photos of students at the Carlilse Indian School, complete a photograph analysis, and write a summary conclusion. This can also been done as a webquest.
Student read the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie using the One Book, One Philadelphia curriculum.
Students watch a video on the Oneida Nation High School and student Jessica House, player on the Lady Thunderhawks basketball team.
Students analyze the photography of Horace Poolaw in For a Love of His People.
Students analyze the painting, “Bicentennial Indian” by Fritz Scholder.