- Roger Howe, Three Pillars of First Grade Mathematics, 1
- Howe, Three Pillars, 1
- Karen C. Fuson, Building on Howe’s Three Pillars in Kindergarten to Grade 6 Classrooms, 16
- Fuson, 2
Carol P. Boynton
Published September 2016
Excellent progression from concrete to pictorial.
I will embed the sentence strips and base ten blocks to explain another way to add coins. I explained this week to my colleagues that the number line can even be used as a visual representation to add coins. We agreed that as long as we clarify to the students what units are involved (cents), this will not confuse students when they get to higher grade levels and have to work with decimals. Meaning, the 1 will represent a dollar and the intervals will be 1/10 of a dollar. This article also gave me the idea of using the Cousinaire rods to introduce the term multiples. The collaborative work that can be done among students exploring Cousinaire rods is extraordinary in the sense of developing conceptual understanding of units of measurement, relationships, and patterns.