Perimeter, Area, Volume, and All That: A Study of Measurement


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Content
  4. Native Dwellings
  5. Perimeter and Area
  6. Perimeter 
  7. Area
  8. Surface Area
  9. Strategies
  10. Vocabulary
  11. Visuals
  12. Math Discourse
  13. Hands on Activities
  14. Teaching Activities
  15. Architecture Activity
  16. Resources
  17. Websites
  18. Appendix

Native American Geometric Community

Marnita A. Chischilly

Published September 2019

Tools for this Unit:


Marzano, Robert. J.  & Simms, Julia. A., Vocabulary for the Common Core, Marzano Research Laboratory, Bloomington, IN, 2013

Elliott, Andrew C, Is That A Big Number?, Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2018

Van de Walle, John A; Bay-Williams, Jennifer M., Lovin, LouAnn H., Karp, Karen S., Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Developmentally Appropriate Instruction for Grades 6-8, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., Boston, MA, 2014

Howe, Roger, Perimeter, Area, Volume, and All That; A Study of Measurement, 2019

Envision Math, Grade 6, Pearson Education, Inc. 2107


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