Area, Surface Area and Volume: From Misconceptions to Skyscrapers
Ricardo Moreno
Published September 2019
Tools for this Unit:
Battista, M. T., & Clements, D. H. (1998). Students', understandings of three-dimensional cube
arrays: Findings from a research and curriculum development (Pp. 227-248), Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Carle, Susan M. (1993). Student Held, Misconceptions on Area and Perimeter of Rectangles, the
University of Massachusetts Boston.
Dorko, A., Speer, N. (2013). Calculus students', understanding of volume. In S. Brown, G., Karakok,
K., Roh, & Oehrtman (Eds.). Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate
Mathematics Education (Pp. 190-204). Denver, CO: University of Northern Colorado.
“Richard Edwards Magnet Elementary.” Chicago Public Schools, accessed on May 23, 2019.
Lehrer, R. (2003). In J. Kilpatrick, W. G. Martin, & D. E. Schifter (Eds.), a research companion
to principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of
Math Standards-Geometry-6th Grade. Math Common Core State Standards Initiative, accessed on May 23, 2019.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics-NCTM (website)
accessed on May 25, 2019.
Thompson and Preston, Integrating Measurement across the Curriculum, 2004.