1 Costello, Wachtel and Wachtel. 2010.
2 Costello, Wachtel, and Wachtel. 2010.
3 Costello, Wachtel, and Wachtel. 2010.
5 Ladson-Billings. 2009
6 Ladson-Billings. 2009
7 Ladson-Billings. 2009
8 Klug and Whitfield. 2002
9 Ladson-Billings. 2009.
10 Milner. 2010;2011
11 Helms, Hitt, Schipper, and Jones. 2010
12 Helms, Hitt, Schipper, and Jones. 2010
13 Helms, Hitt, Schipper, and Jones. 2010
14 Love. 2019.
15 Love. 2019.
16 Love. 2019.
17 Graves, Bingham, and Horton. 1979
18 Graves, Bingham, and Horton. 1979
19Dewey. 1938