American History through American Lives


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Restorative Practices
  4. Educational Philosophies
  5. Culturally Relevant Teaching
  6. Abolitionist Teaching
  7. Content Objectives (Reading/ELA)
  8. Historical Objectives
  9. Lessons
  10. Teaching Strategies
  11. Classroom Activities
  12. KWL “Starting Point of Our Journey”
  13. Mentor Text Studies
  14. Journaling
  15. “Family and Community Research”
  16. “This is Why This Hurts” Activity and Share-out
  17. “Restorative Circles of Love”
  18. KWL “Recap of Our Journey”
  19. Resources
  20. Annotated Bibliography
  21. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  22. Appendix on Implementing District Standards (cont.)
  23. Endnotes

American Heritage: Unmasked, Unpacked & Uncloaked

Lauren Hughes Freeman

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:


  It is important to understand that all lessons are adjusted developmentally for this particular grade level.  They will be touched on briefly, yet thoroughly as the children indulge in a historical whirlwind journey through several hundred years.  All teaching strategies will be used throughout the unit, with a heavy emphasis on journaling and discussion.  During this time, students will interview family members on the depths of their race and culture, searching for educational patterns in teaching and learning, to be shared and presented at the culmination of the unit. Lessons will be divided amongst the five-week period of instruction.  With week one students will begin to fill out KWL charts and start discussing the inception of slavery. Key points of discussion will include bits on the Revolutionary War as well as The Declaration of Independence, local history (Fort Pitt, George Washington and Guyasuta) and the United States Constitution.  The mentor text A Birthday Cake for Mr. Washington will be read (aloud-whole group and EEKK).  In addition, the class will examine the Seneca and Iroquois Nation. 

Week two moves forward to include the Civil War along with the Emancipation Proclamation, with the Cherokee Nation.  Key points will touch on the end of slavery in America and includes the examination of slave narratives and primary sources (freedom papers and born-free documents).  Mentor texts are also shared with small groups and individual reading and discussion.  Students will read Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the Quarters and  Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom.

Week three moves ahead through the next one hundred years, touching on World War II and up to the Civil Rights Movement.  Students will read Codetalker: A Navajo Marine of World War II, Hannah’s Suitcase and Remember Not to Forget.

During week four, the students will read Brave Girl and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl to touch on women’s roles throughout history.  They will also work to complete KWL charts and continue journaling and discussions with family and classmates.

Week five includes presentations of family interviews and the “This is Why This Hurts” exercise.  KWL charts will be completed and unpacked as well as journaling, shared with partners.  The children will wrap up with Restorative Circles of Love, in which they regroup and embrace one another’s personal stories and experiences throughout their historical journey.  Students acknowledge each other’s importance in the history of America and share the ‘L’ (what they learned) portion of their KWL chart.

There are three main questions that are the driving factor of this unit and should be referred to thematically.  The questions invite student inquiry, discussion, and critical thinking,  in order to garner the development of higher-level thinking skills and strategies. These can be introduced and scaffolded throughout the unit.

Question One-How far have we come?

This question can be asked after all lessons.  Students will use Think Pair Share to respond.  Proper “Think Time” for processing is recommended as well as time to discuss.

Question Two-How have we, as a nation, grown/if we have grown at all?

  With this question, a combination of journal writing and narratives will be used for the final presentations.  Students may also include their thoughts along with the thoughts of the family members they are interviewing.

Question Three-How will we proceed together, as a nation?


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