American History through American Lives


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Restorative Practices
  4. Educational Philosophies
  5. Culturally Relevant Teaching
  6. Abolitionist Teaching
  7. Content Objectives (Reading/ELA)
  8. Historical Objectives
  9. Lessons
  10. Teaching Strategies
  11. Classroom Activities
  12. KWL “Starting Point of Our Journey”
  13. Mentor Text Studies
  14. Journaling
  15. “Family and Community Research”
  16. “This is Why This Hurts” Activity and Share-out
  17. “Restorative Circles of Love”
  18. KWL “Recap of Our Journey”
  19. Resources
  20. Annotated Bibliography
  21. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  22. Appendix on Implementing District Standards (cont.)
  23. Endnotes

American Heritage: Unmasked, Unpacked & Uncloaked

Lauren Hughes Freeman

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:

Historical Objectives

With the main goal of this unit being for each student to participate in a learning experience that will enhance their ability to play a new, innovatively major role in the historical exposure garnered in the elementary years, the objectives for the historical/social studies aspect of the unit include the students’ abilities to complete, participate and contribute to the following areas of focus.  Each child will be able to cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, on a developmentally appropriate level.  Additionally, they will be able to recall information from experiences (personal and in class) or gather information from print and digital sources.  Students will take brief notes on sources (including the listed primary sources), mentor texts, and discussion in order to sort evidence into provided categories. Moreover, throughout the unit, the students will be given multiple opportunities to write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection-journaling, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. These objectives, paired with those in the ELA subject area are included in order to provide the students with the most in-depth, personal and academic experience within this approach to teaching and learning.  The objectives stated in this section will allow each child to pull from multiple resources in order to be active participants in their learning and achieve agency at a much earlier stage in their young lives. 


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