Teaching Strategy
There are many teaching strategies. To complete this curriculum unit, certainly feel free to use strategies that you are comfortable with. The teaching strategies I will use are news articles, social media, journals, books, videos, cooperative learning, demonstrations, workbooks and worksheets, handouts, diagrams, pair share, jigsaw, KWL, and Learning Focused Strategy (LFS). I intend to use a combination of lecture, Google Slides, SmartBoard, online resources from web research, and critical thinking exercises. The discussions will stimulate critical thinking and allow the students to connect the lecture to current issues related to young black males and police encounters, specifically these individuals being killed by police officers. I will also utilize the required class textbook (James A. Fagin, CJ2019) on criminal justice (specific to the evolution of policing, along with community and the police). I also plan to have guest lecturers from a law enforcement agency, a representative from the United States Attorney General’s Office, a judge or court official regarding how police cases are handled in the court (students may have questions about the court process of the offenders of such offenses.)