Gender, Race, and Class in Today’s America


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Learning Objectives:
  4. Historical-Effects of Slavery on the African American Male
  5. Historical- Effects of Slavery on the White Slave Master
  6. According to Douglass, on his White Slave Master:
  7. Court Cases on Race:
  8. The African American Male – Today
  9. Evolution of Policing in America
  10. Policing Styles
  11. Law Enforcement
  12. Solutions:  Police Reform
  13. The Future – Positive Anticipation
  14. Teaching Strategy
  15. Lesson Essential Questions:
  16. Course Activities:
  17. Content Standards:
  18. Annotated Bibliography
  19. Research Sources
  20. Sources
  21. Notes
  22. Appendix on Implementing District Standards

American Policing Disparities: Today’s African-American Males Living in the Shadows of their Male Ancestors

Christine Freeman Shaub

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:

Evolution of Policing in America

American laws were derived from England.  Many aspects for the establishment of policing, have England as a pillar as well.  In the British Police System, in 1774, the Westminster Watch Act was established to handle policing.  Sir Robert Peel also worked in London to stop street crimes.26

In the United States, August Vollmer is considered to be the “father of policing”.  He brought police patrol and standards of professionalism to law enforcement.  The oldest law enforcement agencies in America are the U.S. Marshals Service and the U.S. Postal Inspection in 1789.27

America’s police force is decentralized.  This means they are fragmented throughout the nation.  There is no “one” police department.  Throughout the cities, police departments are independent of one another and handle various jurisdictions.  For example, there is the Los Angeles Police Department that handle the city of Los Angeles.  There is the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department that handle unincorporated areas of Los Angeles.  The same would apply for the state of Delaware, where you have local police departments and the state police.  Each handle different jurisdictions, but will work together on certain criminal offenses.


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