Gender, Race, and Class in Today’s America


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Learning Objectives:
  4. Historical-Effects of Slavery on the African American Male
  5. Historical- Effects of Slavery on the White Slave Master
  6. According to Douglass, on his White Slave Master:
  7. Court Cases on Race:
  8. The African American Male – Today
  9. Evolution of Policing in America
  10. Policing Styles
  11. Law Enforcement
  12. Solutions:  Police Reform
  13. The Future – Positive Anticipation
  14. Teaching Strategy
  15. Lesson Essential Questions:
  16. Course Activities:
  17. Content Standards:
  18. Annotated Bibliography
  19. Research Sources
  20. Sources
  21. Notes
  22. Appendix on Implementing District Standards

American Policing Disparities: Today’s African-American Males Living in the Shadows of their Male Ancestors

Christine Freeman Shaub

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:

Content Standards:

Legal Administrative Assisting Course Curriculum Standards: Justice System

1.1 Students will define criminal due process and will be able to explain how it relates to the Bill of Rights.

1.3 Students will identify citizen rights protected under the Bill of Rights, especially relating to the first, fourth, fifth, sixth and eighth amendments.


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